Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Came to this forum as it is time to retire to the soup kettle some of my 3+ yrs laying hens. So sad. But came upon this thread, I only have layers right now and I do sprout wheat and oats but was thinking why was I not fermenting all my feed. With the prices going up and up I am going to start fermernting most of what I feed. I have a bucket of layer mash fermenting and a bucket of oats and wheat. Is it long enough to ferment only 24 hours if I reuse the I fermenting liquid? They got a pan of it two nights ago and last night they saw the pan and I didn't even have to call them they rushed in on their own. I also wonder if I am screwing up the nutrition by feeding all these things.
Yes you can and yes it will but if you mix in the "scratch and peck" it won't be a nasty consistency. The grains in the pellets will be much more appetizing. I haven't tried it... but my birds like it a lot better with the grains in it.

Where do you get this "scratch and peck"? It sounds like a great mix and something I'd like to get my hands on!
Thank you Beekissed & others for starting this thread. I have been slowly making my way through this feed. I am looking forward to start fermenting some feed....I will def be back here for more info. I copy & pasted ALOT of the info for reference in my chicken binder
Yes, you can definitely use pellets for fermenting feed. The pellets of the brand I used actually stayed coarser and did not turn to just a watery mush. It just seemed to have more texture. Other than that I saw no difference.
Anyone have any suggestions about how to ferment the food in the winter? I hate to take it in the house with the dogs & cats there to eat their fill lol

I was wondering if keeping it in the coop during the winter months will keep it warm enough to ferment ok?
If you already have a ferment mix going and keep the original fluids going and it doesn't freeze...it ought to do the trick. If not, when you keep it in the house, you could just place a lid over the bucket and leave one side cracked open or small hole in the top to release pressure.

I'm going to just keep mine inside, tucked away in the corner, and do smaller, less sloppy batches. Now that I'll just be feeding layers, the proportions go way down for me.
If you already have a ferment mix going and keep the original fluids going and it doesn't freeze...it ought to do the trick. If not, when you keep it in the house, you could just place a lid over the bucket and leave one side cracked open or small hole in the top to release pressure.

I'm going to just keep mine inside, tucked away in the corner, and do smaller, less sloppy batches. Now that I'll just be feeding layers, the proportions go way down for me.
Thanks Bee !
HI Everyone..... :) Well I have been doing the FF thing and it seems to be going really well... Ive even given it to my layers a few days and have seen an increase in eggs.. I wasnt expecting that :)

My little ones are just over 2 weeks old now and I started letting them out into a run during the days.. They Love it :) Been giving them fresh cut grass.

I do have a question about GRAINS.... I remember seeing lots of different comments in the forum about the different kinds of grains you all like to use. I went and got some Scratch and Grain at the feed store and I was was a little dissapointed to see it was mostly all corn. So Im wanting to add more to it. Im thinking oats. But I am wondering if any of you have a good combo of grains you like to mix with the feed for fermenting?? Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye what do you all like to use????.... THANK YOU!!!!!

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