Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I keep my FF in my bedroom and was up late last night reading. For the first time ever, I heard the bucket speaking to me. No, I haven't gone mad...it was farting! A lot. No smell though, but it bubbled vigorously all night and when I opened it this morning to feed it was still actively burbling. I've seen small bubbles and I've seen evidence of gas release on the surface of the feed when it's first opened but I've never seen this much gas released and for this much duration. Usually it's only when I stir it up.

That has never happened before, so I thought I'd mention it here for consideration.
I keep my FF in my bedroom and was up late last night reading.  For the first time ever, I heard the bucket speaking to me.  No, I haven't gone mad...it was farting!  A lot.  No smell though, but it bubbled vigorously all night and when I opened it this morning to feed it was still actively burbling.  I've seen small bubbles and I've seen evidence of gas release on the surface of the feed when it's first opened but I've never seen this much gas released and for this much duration.  Usually it's only when I stir it up. 

That has never happened before, so I thought I'd mention it here for consideration.  :)


My one bucket bubbles constantly. The wetter it is the more it bubbles, after a few hours of that I add enough dry to thicken it up. My FIL was over the other day and was like, what are you doing now? I always have some weird project going, but seeing me stir a big bucket of slop was one of the weirdest.
I keep my FF in my bedroom and was up late last night reading. For the first time ever, I heard the bucket speaking to me. No, I haven't gone mad...it was farting! A lot. No smell though, but it bubbled vigorously all night and when I opened it this morning to feed it was still actively burbling. I've seen small bubbles and I've seen evidence of gas release on the surface of the feed when it's first opened but I've never seen this much gas released and for this much duration. Usually it's only when I stir it up.

That has never happened before, so I thought I'd mention it here for consideration.
My FF is in our laundry room where it sits for 3 days vigorously bubbling the whole time. There is usually a real nice thick mother on top of maybe 1" of water. When I stir it before pouring into the strainer it really gives off lots of gas, sort of like patting your tummy after beer and pizza!
It is never quiet enough to see if I can hear it passing gas
I guess I'll just have to sneak in during the night a give it a listen.
Farting corn, that is a new one
Somehow everytime I watch a youtube video, I end up watching montages of random things.. :lol:
I dare someone to start with one video and see where you end up.

I always end up on the weird part of YouTube...cyst extractions and gross infection videos...I'm never exactly sure how I end up there...it's gross, but it's like a train wreck, I just can't stop watching.

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