Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

That's funny, my husbands initials are DH and he used a table saw for making my feeders!
Sounded like you were talking about him

Hehe I promise i didn't borrow him
My understanding is that when it is properly fermented it will not freeze (alcohol does not freeze was the reason given). I have not had my feed freeze. Our lows have been in the teens already. I may just be lucky, but the waterer not on a heater freezes, and the little feed at the bottom of the dish doesn't.
That is my experience so far.
As for the water only being at the bottom of the bucket, that was a problem for me too. I added more water. I did not re-drill my drain bucket today. I am sticking with the strainer for now.
My question is how long does it take for the feed to drain for everyone? Someone just said half an hour. I have gone to about 20 minutes, given it a shake, and dumped it into their feed bowl. I thought I was alone in the time department.
So far we aren't freezing up, but next week will get us. I found cookie tins, and will be getting my heater bases made this weekend.
I am retired so i am going to feed 2x a day during the winter, morning and evening.
I was using a strainer at first, i let it drain 15-20 minutes and it was pretty pasty, like drywall mud.. But my geese really like it runnier. (so they can sling it everywhere)

They all really don't care, it gets ate so fast. Less runny is sure less messy. The chickens do like it thicker (at least mine do.)
I've been confused all along. Everyone is raving about the FF, but every time I try my flock on FF, they get loose stools, very watery. I've tried the 2 bucket system, and let it drain 30min or more. I've also tried mixing it very dry, but then I'm not sure it's fermenting (no bubbles). No matter what mix I use, it's too wet. After I stop the FF their stools go back to normal again. I've tried the FF 3 times now and have been unsuccessful each time. What am I doing wrong?

What feed are you using, or grain? I found that if mine is consistency like heavy thick pudding.. drywall mortar, it does well. you have to let it sit, stir one or 2 times a day. ferment a few days to get it started. If its a warmer room, it does better. tell me your steps, how you are mixing and maybe one of us can help. On the runny stools, most people see that at least a few days with the birds, it passes and they start to have much better digestion. like a week or more. But if its not fermenting, then you aren't getting the good probotics working for you. You will get it figured out, and be so glad when you have
I've been confused all along. Everyone is raving about the FF, but every time I try my flock on FF, they get loose stools, very watery. I've tried the 2 bucket system, and let it drain 30min or more. I've also tried mixing it very dry, but then I'm not sure it's fermenting (no bubbles). No matter what mix I use, it's too wet. After I stop the FF their stools go back to normal again. I've tried the FF 3 times now and have been unsuccessful each time. What am I doing wrong?
If you are on city water you might have chlorine in your water which would kill any activity in your ferment. Let your water sit at least a day to out gas and try again. My flock will eat FF wet or drained also with my raw milk yogurt, it is runny, I pour it over their FF and run, they attack it like no tomorrow. I ferment for 3 days/72 hours to get maximum bio goodies, I plan to ferment some for 4 days/96 hours to see if that makes any difference.
I read once that if it goes bad on day five. Does anyone have knowledge on whether or not that is true?
I have a cross beak chicken. FF solves the problem of her having problems eating. I need to trim her beak again, but I worry about her a lot less now that I know she is getting more food. with improved protein, and at least some water with it. The bad side is that she no longer comes to me for her needs, so I have to remember to pick her up, and feel for weight gain/loss.
I read once that if it goes bad on day five. Does anyone have knowledge on whether or not that is true?
I have a cross beak chicken. FF solves the problem of her having problems eating. I need to trim her beak again, but I worry about her a lot less now that I know she is getting more food. with improved protein, and at least some water with it. The bad side is that she no longer comes to me for her needs, so I have to remember to pick her up, and feel for weight gain/loss.
Mine is on day 306443...lol
Not really. I have been doing this a pretty long time and so have many others. I have changed it twice. The first time because I did not know better, the second time is because I have interior handles with holes in them and I never washed them down.
I'm using starter crumbles by Nutrena. I mix it with as little water as I can, usually to a peanut butter consistency. I keep it in my laundry room, it's about 70 degrees in there. I stir at least twice a day, sometimes more if I think of it. On first start, I let it stay for 3 days or until I see the bubbling when I stir and it smells sour. Then after that, just 24 hrs because I back slop. I strain it before I feed it to them so there isn't much liquid left at all. I've tried three times now and each time they get watery stools, the longer I keep them on the FF the worse it gets. After 3 wks I quit and their stools went back to normal after being off 2 days. I've ruled out anything else so I know it's the FF.
Quote: I am on public water so you're right, I do have chlorine in it. I had no idea that it would stop the fermenting. Just never thought about it. I have well water on the property too, but it's high sulfur content. We don't use it anymore, it smells too bad. I'll have to bottle the public water and let it sit.

Thanks so much for all your help.
I read once that if it goes bad on day five. Does anyone have knowledge on whether or not that is true?
I have a cross beak chicken. FF solves the problem of her having problems eating. I need to trim her beak again, but I worry about her a lot less now that I know she is getting more food. with improved protein, and at least some water with it. The bad side is that she no longer comes to me for her needs, so I have to remember to pick her up, and feel for weight gain/loss.

Oh, no I have the same batch of grain going from day one. couple months now i think, don't know for sure.
I'm using starter crumbles by Nutrena. I mix it with as little water as I can, usually to a peanut butter consistency. I keep it in my laundry room, it's about 70 degrees in there. I stir at least twice a day, sometimes more if I think of it. On first start, I let it stay for 3 days or until I see the bubbling when I stir and it smells sour. Then after that, just 24 hrs because I back slop. I strain it before I feed it to them so there isn't much liquid left at all. I've tried three times now and each time they get watery stools, the longer I keep them on the FF the worse it gets. After 3 wks I quit and their stools went back to normal after being off 2 days. I've ruled out anything else so I know it's the FF.
I am on public water so you're right, I do have chlorine in it. I had no idea that it would stop the fermenting. Just never thought about it. I have well water on the property too, but it's high sulfur content. We don't use it anymore, it smells too bad. I'll have to bottle the public water and let it sit.

Thanks so much for all your help.

X2 I bet Costa Rica Art nailed it. We are on well water.
Every thing else you are doing is perfect. good luck

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