Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Would you be interested in sending "starts" to those of us who would like to grow it? Is it dormant in the winter?
It's very easy to grow. Yes dormant in winter. It's 28 degrees here and the ground is frozen. So is the Oregano. If you know someone with a decent vegetable garden in your neighborhood, you might be able to trade eggs for a shovelful. Should also be easy to find in the local nursery in the Spring. A lot of people grow little pots of it inside their house on the window sill. That would be sweet for cooking with but not near enough to add to a FF bucket.
Does anyone know if a wild rabbit can fit through chicken wire? Rabbits absolutely decimate my garden every year, so last summer I started covering the gap between the bottom of the wood privacy fence and the ground with 1/4" hardware cloth. Now I've almost run out of the hardware cloth and wondering if chicken wire will serve to keep the bunnies out.

I attach the hardware cloth to the bottom 6" or so of the fence with screws and fender washers, then dig a trench 4-5" deep and put the bottom of the hardware cloth in the trench and fill with fast-set concrete. That works really well, but of course I'm already seeing rabbits come through the few sections I haven't completed yet.
I wonder how much you need to add for it to be beneficial... Oregano is expensive unless you grow it yourself, but it's much too cold right now!
How about Sams or Costco? buying it dried in bulk size jars. I am going to Sams end of next week I'll see what they want for it there.
Does anyone know if a wild rabbit can fit through chicken wire? Rabbits absolutely decimate my garden every year, so last summer I started covering the gap between the bottom of the wood privacy fence and the ground with 1/4" hardware cloth. Now I've almost run out of the hardware cloth and wondering if chicken wire will serve to keep the bunnies out.

I attach the hardware cloth to the bottom 6" or so of the fence with screws and fender washers, then dig a trench 4-5" deep and put the bottom of the hardware cloth in the trench and fill with fast-set concrete. That works really well, but of course I'm already seeing rabbits come through the few sections I haven't completed yet.
My garden is surrounded by 1" chicken mesh. They will go under it if you don't bury it.
Oregano is a fast growing periannel out here Mumsy, it is always spreading and I have move it and control it,
For those who plan to plant it, what works nicely to keep it from taking over EVERYTHING like a jungle is to use the largest clay pot you can find minus the bottom tray, sink it down into the ground so the lip is above ground, and grow your oregano in there. Works for mint and other great herbs that are a bit aggressive.
"Patches" was hatched from a brown egg, but looks like an EE chick. I've been waiting for months for her to be old enough to lay eggs to see if I'd get "blue" eggs from her. Thursday as I was holding Patches I finally noticed the feathers on HIS back and his neck feathers. It hadn't penetrated my mind until then. Patches will be 7mo on the 25th. He loves the FF.

"Patches" was hatched from a brown egg, but looks like an EE chick. I've been waiting for months for her to be old enough to lay eggs to see if I'd get "blue" eggs from her. Thursday as I was holding Patches I finally noticed the feathers on HIS back and his neck feathers. It hadn't penetrated my mind until then. Patches will be 7mo on the 25th. He loves the FF.


Nice looking roo.
The dollar store might have the oregano at a reasonable price. I am wondering though....oregano is being used in place of antibiotics to try and prevent resistent strains of bacteria. What then would prevent bacteria from becoming resistent to the oregano?
The dollar store might have the oregano at a reasonable price. I am wondering though....oregano is being used in place of antibiotics to try and prevent resistent strains of bacteria. What then would prevent bacteria from becoming resistent to the oregano?
And why would we use it unless needed? I mean if one isn't sick why would we be adding it to our ff? unless it does more like improving immune system. I'll have to do more reading. I can understand why they would use it in factory farms situations but back yard not so sure.

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