Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I bet if you called premier they could tell you. I know others had questions and they had really great customer service. I dont *do* electric......I put the fence up, take it down, etc but The whole hooking up the wire from fence to charger.......my best friend did it for me
I would probably burn my house down lol
I don't like to deal too much with electricity had a few bad experiences! LOL
I love those old stoneware crocks.....they weigh a ton!!  It is ironic that you bought it to ferment feed.....those were generally used to make pickles or sauerkraut!!

I make pickles in mine. Never would have thought to use it for my FF. I use 2 halves of a food grade plastic barrel. I ferment my grains in 5 gallon buckets for 3 days before I use it and having the 2 barrel halves I use a little over 1/3 a day. I use it 2 days then refill and switch to the other barrel.
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My hair is already curly I dont need to make it curlier lol  I am not scared of it just use caution. I can change an outlet out after checking about 100 times there is no electricity there lol 

I have learned to have a deep respect for electricity. LOL The majority of the times that I have been shocked was while messing with fence chargers or the fence itself. Mix it with a little water and it will curl the hair in your nose as well as that on your head! LOL
You want to look at stake type, height, and hole size. Stake type is most important. Make sure you get the double step in posts and not the single. For chickens you want the smaller squares, not the larger. Height depends on having any lgd's or other livestock that you want to keep in or out.
This is what I have ... We rotate all livestock daily with it and I love it. I kept poultry, lgd's, sheep, and cattle in it.
What kind of price range would we be talking about to care for 25 chickens?
I'm going Monday to pick up a 8 week old female GP puppy. It was born and raised around chickens 24/7 so I am hoping for the best. I just hope I don't screw her up. She's plumb cute just laying around with chickens without a bit of agression towards them. I hope it stays that way. I know it will be a long road, fingers crossed & lots of prayer! lol
So our feed now has lots of gray on top. It started with spot like clumps and spider webbish looking lines out from it. Now it is pretty thick gray with bigger clumps of gray. Is this fermentation or something wrong?
That's the fermentation.
So our feed now has lots of gray on top. It started with spot like clumps and spider webbish looking lines out from it. Now it is pretty thick gray with bigger clumps of gray. Is this fermentation or something wrong?
Mine gets this as well and I just stir it up and feed it to the hens
Poop question?

Hi ~ I am new to chickens & obviously FF. Keep reading that chickens who eat FF should have firmer poops. Since this is my 1st go & I've never really been around poultry, mine still seem kinda runny. I'm seriously going to ask if someone could post a picture of their chickens (preferably a layer on FF, as I am not raising meaties) poop, lol!

Thanks so much ;)

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