Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Here's a couple of vids of the process of replenishing the feed in a FF bucket system and at what consistency I generally feed the FF. I apologize for the amateur video...I'm none too good at public speaking or video media. The Ol' Bat makes her first film debut as she assists me in the first vid and in the background of both you can hear Toby's ongoing commentary about his thoughts on the FF, the nature of the taste and all the benefits his flock has derived from its usage. That's a loose translation and paraphrase but you get the gist....
lol good job but I couldn't help but laugh at the chickens and Toby making all their sounds. They were ready for their food! LOL
soooooo cute!
Here's a couple of vids of the process of replenishing the feed in a FF bucket system and at what consistency I generally feed the FF. I apologize for the amateur video...I'm none too good at public speaking or video media. The Ol' Bat makes her first film debut as she assists me in the first vid and in the background of both you can hear Toby's ongoing commentary about his thoughts on the FF, the nature of the taste and all the benefits his flock has derived from its usage. That's a loose translation and paraphrase but you get the gist.... :D
Great videos !! Thanks for sharing !
[COLOR=0000CD]The other day someone asked about compost and chickens, I looked and couldn't find the forum that talked about "composting with chickens" till I was sent an update today, here is the link to that discussion, enjoy. https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/...site&utm_source=sendgrid.com&utm_medium=email[/COLOR]

This is a great article. Happy healthy chickens, no feed bill, great compost, fertile soil, recycling waste, income from the chickens AND the compost - what else could you ask for? Really something to think about. Thanks Coasta Rica Art!
I have a question for you folks that have done this for a while. I know you can use a lot of different things for bedding inside your coop but what exactly do you use? As I was shopping for something to help with my current mud problem in my run yesterday I started wondering about this. I always use only pine shavings in my brooders and I have used it in my coop. What do you use in your coop - pine shavings, pine mulch (like you use in flowerbeds) or something else? I am thinking that it is going to take the shavings a good while to break down while the mulch already has a good start.
I have a question for you folks that have done this for a while. I know you can use a lot of different things for bedding inside your coop but what exactly do you use? As I was shopping for something to help with my current mud problem in my run yesterday I started wondering about this. I always use only pine shavings in my brooders and I have used it in my coop. What do you use in your coop - pine shavings, pine mulch (like you use in flowerbeds) or something else? I am thinking that it is going to take the shavings a good while to break down while the mulch already has a good start.

I use shavings but mostly grass clippings, leaves, pine needles......basically anything I can get for free around the house :)
I have a question for you folks that have done this for a while. I know you can use a lot of different things for bedding inside your coop but what exactly do you use? As I was shopping for something to help with my current mud problem in my run yesterday I started wondering about this. I always use only pine shavings in my brooders and I have used it in my coop. What do you use in your coop - pine shavings, pine mulch (like you use in flowerbeds) or something else? I am thinking that it is going to take the shavings a good while to break down while the mulch already has a good start.
I use hay in the coops and as mentioned deep liter. when the poo builds up more hay right on top and once a year I take it out and start again. I have used pine bark chips in one of my runs that has lots of water, helps with some drainage

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