Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Once in a while I'll pick up some cheap frozen apple juice concentrate at the store.  I'll mix it up at home and put about a cup of UP/ACV in there (gallon jug) and put a piece of coffee filter over the opening secured with a small rubber band so it can breathe. I leave it to sit in my dark cupboard for a couple of months.  Makes it REALLY cheap!  I can't say for sure what the acid content is but it works well and smells right.

I added some Braggs to a gallon of regular vinegar but I doubt I let it sit long enough. WM has a bunch of apple cider out.
I added some Braggs to a gallon of regular vinegar but I doubt I let it sit long enough. WM has a bunch of apple cider out.
I do that too when I have the money to buy a few gallons of regular acv. I put it in the back of my cupboard and forget about it.

The mother gets kind of thick and so I shake it up to break it up and take the last of my gallon and pour it into the next to get it going good!
I do that too when I have the money to buy a few gallons of regular acv.  I put it in the back of my cupboard and forget about it.

The mother gets kind of thick and so I shake it up to break it up and take the last of my gallon and pour it into the next to get it going good!

I need to do that and do it right - let it sit longer. I like to take a tablespoon of good vinegar, juice from half a lemon then put about 1/8th teaspoon of cayenne pepper in it and drink it. It is rough and if you were to get choked on it you might die but I love that stuff! LOL
A few of you good folks are always talking about feeding your chickens BOSS; I have never given any to my birds... Is it something you should only feed as a treat or should it be used in their daily feed ration ?
It doesn't need fixed...just stir it and use it.  I've left mine for 4-5 days before and it was also fine.  That smell is just a deeper fermented smell and it actually seems to increase nutrients the further it goes, as I have to feed less and less of the feed as warm temps dictate the fermentation speed. 

You won't need to add any yeasts or ACV or anything else...just stir it and feed it and all will be well. 

Thanks Bee :)
A few of you good folks are always talking about feeding your chickens BOSS; I have never given any to my birds... Is it something you should only feed as a treat or should it be used in their daily feed ration ?
I used to add it to my FF but I know longer do. Its better used as a once in awhile treat than as a main part of their food. (I want to say its because its high in fat but I'm not sure thats the reason) I just know that someone said it was better as a once in awhile treat
Yeah that's the price of the Braggs the Heinz is like 3.99 a qt.
I make mine with apple juice. I get the bottles of Walmart juice drink about 6 oz and add some ACV from an old batch. I pour some in the 50 gallon drum that feeds all three nipple waterers. No need to add it to the mash because it sits open outside and has lots of good stuff in it

Holy guacamole! Speaking of frogs and snakes and other creepy things... One of my dogs was barking a little bit ago and I went out to see what the deal was. False alarm, just the dog that loves to hear herself bark... I think. BUT... I don't know what kind of frogs and other critters are down at the pond but I wouldn't walk down there in the dark for $100!!! It sound like a dang jungle out there! I was glad to come back in the house! LOL **FREE FROGS & SNAKES** PLEASE come get them! LOL And to think as kids we use to play hide-and-seek outside in the dark. Creeps me out to think about it!
Our pond has frogs of all sizes but they don't bother me. A few weeks ago I saw an odd looking stick down by the pond. It was a 2 foot long water snake, it took off and went in the pond sitting on top of hte water. When I tried to get close it dove under.
Our pond has frogs of all sizes but they don't bother me. A few weeks ago I saw an odd looking stick down by the pond. It was a 2 foot long water snake, it took off and went in the pond sitting on top of hte water. When I tried to get close it dove under.

Our pond is more of a one acre (+/-) swamp surrounded by willow trees. lol No telling what is out there! The frogs are not that creepy, it's the snakes! Me, night time and snakes don't gee haw at all! lol But boy oh boy is it loud at night! It is plumb eerie sounding! I went down there just a little bit ago to mow the levee and the mower quit. I sure hope it gets fixed before dark. No telling what might take up residence on it if it stays down there over night. I am in dire need of some goats.
Last time I went swimming in the river we were sort of shooting these little rapids and it shot me right into a large, brown water snake! I put my hand out to fend him off and he was swimming hard to avoid me but it was closer than I had wanted to get...touched the booger with my hand! He was probably the more scared of us two....

We've been cleaning out the backside of our old shed and encountered three different snakes, two of the same kind but different sizes. I caught the largest and put him in the nearby woods, the middle sized one got away under the building and the smallest I caught and gave to the chooks. Little Red snatched it up and got the big protein for the day.

None of the snakes were poisonous and they were all quite beautiful. I'm just glad none were a copperhead or rattlesnake.

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