Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Thank you BC!
I'd like to raise meat rabbits one day, but hubby won't go for it. In any case, I've done some research & found that the huge Flemish rabbits are more bone than meat. Better alternatives would be California whites, New Zealands, or the pretty Champagne d'argents. I would love to raise those last ones for some nice pelts as well.
These are our experimentals. Like most peeps on BYC start with "whatever is at the feedstore"! In this case, it was a Craigslist post we couldn't pass up. 30$ for 18mos old pair, with cages, water bottles, food, etc. The male is a sort of flame colored Rex/Flemish cross and the female is easily 18lbs and a nifty smoke grey coloring. We'll start here, make sure we can keep them properly, and eventually shell out for whatever we decide fits US as good stock.
Rabbits? I used to raise Florida Whites and If I were ever to get into rabbits again...it would be with them. They are almost solid mead with little bone...JMHO
Another one to put on the research list... :)
Winter sports for hicks... "shavings bale sledding"! Just sit on the bale and slide down a hill. For old hicks with bad knees the ideal method would be to stack two, secure them together and just have a seat! For smaller hicks who will fit in a doghouse, "doghouse sledding". The big plastic doghouses are best. Just crawl in and have a friend give the house a shove down the snow or ice covered hill. Doghouse sledding could also be done behind a 4-wheeler, horse, etc. Always be aware of trees because they don't move.
Thank you BC!
These are our experimentals. Like most peeps on BYC start with "whatever is at the feedstore"! In this case, it was a Craigslist post we couldn't pass up. 30$ for 18mos old pair, with cages, water bottles, food, etc. The male is a sort of flame colored Rex/Flemish cross and the female is easily 18lbs and a nifty smoke grey coloring. We'll start here, make sure we can keep them properly, and eventually shell out for whatever we decide fits US as good stock.
Another one to put on the research list... :)

Sounds good! And delicious! :)
Speaking of plants... anybody know what kind of bush this is with blue berries on it?
I don't know, the leaves look kind of different. I doubt this pic will help any but here is the whole bush. It is all bent over because of the ice. It is loaded with little blue berries. Back earlier it had tiny white flowers on it. You mention picking service berries before. What did you do with them? What do they taste like?
I have New Zealands :) great meat to feed ratios less bone.
I'd like to raise meat rabbits one day, but hubby won't go for it. In any case, I've done some research & found that the huge Flemish rabbits are more bone than meat. Better alternatives would be California whites, New Zealands, or the pretty Champagne d'argents. I would love to raise those last ones for some nice pelts as well.
I'm considering going full on FF here. I think these birds are still going thru a lot of dry feed. Perhaps because they are large fowl & need more frequent feedings of FF? I feed outside in the cold, so I guess if I just put a whole lot of FF down, they can chip away at it all thru the day?

I feed mine once a day but I'm betting my temps don't get as cold as yours, so you might consider just feeding what they can clean up right away and do it twice a day. Others have resorted to heated dog dishes for keeping the FF from freezing.

My current layer flock and also the rooster pen just eat the FF until it's gone and that takes under 30 min. so mine is not getting a chance to freeze. They are staying incredibly fat on just that amount...for the layers I have 9 in the coop and they are cleaning up 3 c. and the rooster pen holding 14 birds are cleaning up 6-7 c. per day. I saw everyone running today when I had a rooster jail break and everyone is WAY too fat on that ration so I could even cut that amount and still have a well fleshed out flock of birds.

I have New Zealands
great meat to feed ratios less bone.

I've raised NZ too and found the same thing...excellent meat quantity for the amount of feed given. Excellent production as well,with large, healthy litters each time.
I'm considering going full on FF here. I think these birds are still going thru a lot of dry feed. Perhaps because they are large fowl & need more frequent feedings of FF? I feed outside in the cold, so I guess if I just put a whole lot of FF down, they can chip away at it all thru the day?

I would suggest twice daily feedings so it doesn't freeze. Its hard to get out of the pan once it freezes without the use of some tools and some human brainpower. Don't get me wrong, I don't think chickens are STUPID, dumber than people, yes, but not stupid or weak. When it gets as cold as it is here today (all week) I will feed outside just to keep the birds out from under my feet while I'm taking care of inside business and then bring their feeders inside if it is snowing... they don't seem to appreciate the white stuff! If I leave it outside, it will get buried in snow or frozen to the pan.

Winter sports for hicks... "shavings bale sledding"! Just sit on the bale and slide down a hill. For old hicks with bad knees the ideal method would be to stack two, secure them together and just have a seat! For smaller hicks who will fit in a doghouse, "doghouse sledding". The big plastic doghouses are best. Just crawl in and have a friend give the house a shove down the snow or ice covered hill. Doghouse sledding could also be done behind a 4-wheeler, horse, etc. Always be aware of trees because they don't move.

Speaking of plants... anybody know what kind of bush this is with blue berries on it?
Do you have a closer picture?

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