Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Sounds about right...lol

Here is a pic of one of my favorite young cockerels. Really nice boy to be around.

I love his coloring......the neck is an acquired taste, however.
How will the rest of him taste???
Sounds about right...lol

Here is a pic of one of my favorite young cockerels. Really nice boy to be around.

He has really pretty coloring!

P.S. Every time I see one of these NN I think of someone that was on tv (maybe it was tv or some other form of media) I wish I could remember the name of the man...It will probably come to me in the middle of the night or some other off the wall time.
He has really pretty coloring!

P.S. Every time I see one of these NN I think of someone that was on tv (maybe it was tv or some other form of media) I wish I could remember the name of the man...It will probably come to me in the middle of the night or some other off the wall time.

It isn't Jim Varney, is it???LOL
I suppose I should throw in a total update post on my birds...

The hens grew REALLY slowly and so we kept them around an unreasonable amount of time. I found out that processing rabbits is a dream compared to these devils. Mom was right when she told me it would stink when I processed them... Bleh. The worst part was the skin though. Plucking and skinning are both a pain. Having done it once I have decided that I will raise tractor/free range FF Cornish crosses again... But they will be going to a processor. At least until I get some really amazing knives and a plucker.

When we processed we did the roos, hen kept half the hens around for another month and the rest we put in the freezers just a couple weeks ago. All the roos had the exact expected growth. One of the hens was incredible and was the first one of the girls we processed... She gave us 6lbs of skinned meat and 3lbs in just breast meat! But the rest of the hens were pretty poor on the fcr. So next time I may try doing a pen of just roos. I like them less than the hens too so they are easier to dispatch.

All in all I feel better knowing I can raise and process my own birds... But I will stick to butchering and raising primarially rabbits. They are like a dream to process. The chickens took like 40+ minutes each and rabbits take 10 minutes and are sooo much easier. I will be raising my own cxs again though. I just wont be processing them. Bleh and double bleh. Someday when I have a plucked or need to I will try processing again. XD

These chickens are SUPER tasty though. The dark meat is red not just grey, and the texture is firm and it is all very chickeny. Very much more like rabbit than any grocery chicken. I like it a lot. :3
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I was brought up to the idea that horses foundered and that donkeys/mules wouldn't. Mules were smarter than horses in that respect. Is that false?

Lisa :)
Grew up with mules. As a rule, most mules won't founder, but donkeys are barren land animals and their nature tells them to eat as much as they can, because it might not be there tomorrow...the smaller miniatures and burros seem more prone to founder than the standard and giant stock, but it's a matter of NOT feeding them every treat under the sun. Good, solid forage and hay is enough. They don't need grain.

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