Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Grew up with mules. As a rule, most mules won't founder, but donkeys are barren land animals and their nature tells them to eat as much as they can, because it might not be there tomorrow...the smaller miniatures and burros seem more prone to founder than the standard and giant stock, but it's a matter of NOT feeding them every treat under the sun. Good, solid forage and hay is enough. They don't need grain.

Thanks for replying. My Dad raised Belgians and he was forever saying you let a horse loose in the corn field he will eat until he founders whereas a mule will only eat his fill. I probably shouldn't have put donkeys in my post. Dad and I were always talking about raising Tennessee Mules (I am thinking he was talking about the draft mules). Maybe one day I can fulfill that dream.

Lisa :)
I don't know what you guys are looking at but

meet Miss Jackie O

and her doppelganger

Miss Audrey Hepburn

Fabulous! Everyone probably has a chicken look a like!
Sounds about right...lol

Here is a pic of one of my favorite young cockerels. Really nice boy to be around.

We are talking about this guy and who I was thinking looked like him...The guy had dark hair on the top of his head but I think it was shaved almost bald on the sides (old time-y looking guy)
Okaaay... just how much is property in SOUTH Florida??? Ahhhh (sigh) I started out with 14 eggs this morning then Mr Ice smacked me down and now I have 8!!! Just walking along and W-H-A-M I'm on my back. But first I had to land right square on my bum knee. I layed there saying, "Oh God oh God please help don't let this mess my knee up!" LOL I layed there a little bit afraid to move and the rooster were having a cackling fit (seriously!). lol Finally I turned and looked at them and said, "I ain't dead." And they shut up immediately. Now hmmm, were they glad or disappointed? I finally got up and it didn't hurt... too much. I guess Somebody had a little mercy on me, YET AGAIN. :) But how much is that property in SOUTH Florida? (Half a dozen broken eggs did tick me off!)

Until I can get to Florida I want some of these...
Ugh 100 pages behind.....well took my meaties down Monday. They were 12 weeks old. Feed ff and free ranged the whole time. The largest was 8 1/2 lbs live weight. The smallest was a runt at barely 5 lbs. dh picked them up Tuesday. I'm not sure what the cleaned weight is as I'm not home, I'm in michigan with my mom.

For this being the first time doing meaties, it was a wonderful experience. They would roam all over our 2 acres, into the neighbors yard, the corn field behind my property. So so friendly. They would come meet us at the door, follow us to the cars. Scratch on the front door, sit by the window watching us lol. None died of heart problems, and we had no leg issues. In fact the only issue we had with them was they waited by the door and followed us to the cars. So we always kept some ff by the door to distract them lol. It was so much fun watching them come running to us from afar.

We opted to have them processed. My mom is having health issues and I am needed here with her. Dh was willing to do it before I left, but I was too emotional with moms problems to even try. Dh thought I would cry when we dropped them off. I felt like I let them down, as I didn't finish through with them. I'm sure these people were fast and efficient, the chickens were handled with love and care when we dropped them off. But I still feel like I let them down. Very sad. Next time I may be better prepared to finish what I started. I am proud to say I didn't cry, but...I was very sad. And thankful so I told them so. I will be sure to let everyone know how well they taste once I get home and find out for myself.

We will be growing out our own meat chicken from now on. Thanks to all of you and your experiences. Really didn't know what to expect, and it was really wonderful! Thanks!


Hi Deb. I'm very sorry to hear your mom is having health issues. I hope she overcomes it all and returns to good health. Take good care of her and give her a big hug. :)

Congrats on your birds! Can't wait to get some more in my freezer!
Just want to say, I love this thread... people are always willing to help newbies to FF, and at the same time, it doesn't die out 'between times' 'cause everyone is so happy to chat up just about any (literal) bunny trail! You guys rock!

Ditto! :)
@Chocolate Mouse... thanks a lot for sharing your info on the rabbits and meat birds! Good info like that can help the rest of us a lot.

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