Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Quote: lol.

Much of that is experience and having others teach them to prepare. School is prep for work. If the cell phone doesn't work they remember the inconvenience and make sure it is chaged again = experience. laws required driving lessons along with most parents before getting license; arrival of ababy??? Well concidering how many people have children, they did not learn with the first one how much work they are!! lol My brother didnot reveal to me the amt of work a baby was-- if he had I would have skipped that event; but having jumped into one I couldnt let him grow up as an only child if I could prevent that.

BUt I am a reader and try to plan and prepare. BUt even that is often not enough. I tell myself that for every emergency I deal with , it is a lesson to put into my experience bank.

As for lemmings? YOu said it before I did.
Bee, this is precisely that sort of woman and I would allow her to crash and burn were she not my best friend's mother! She will heap her woes and troubles upon my friend, acting selfish and childish all the way... And then she will heap those woes upon me any chance she gets. She has given sad lives to more animals than I care to recount and she hasn't even HAD that many. She often speaks proudly of her anole that she fed solely spiders off of her walls and how lamentful she was that it died so fast. And she couldn't understand why her fish were attacked when she dropped a turtle in the tank. Crazy.

I think it's a Munchausen by proxy thing. They can get a lot of attention from people when their animals are sick or dying, lots of sympathy and hugs and just...attention. My sister has always been one to beg, dance, scream and cry for attention all her life and this is just another way of getting it.
ChocolateMouse if I were you, I would have an appointment someplace real fast. Whatever you do, don't encourage her.

Lisa :)
"A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal"

Much of that is experience and having others teach them to prepare. School is prep for work. If the cell phone doesn't work they remember the inconvenience and make sure it is chaged again = experience. laws required driving lessons along with most parents before getting license; arrival of ababy??? Well concidering how many people have children, they did not learn with the first one how much work they are!! lol My brother didnot reveal to me the amt of work a baby was-- if he had I would have skipped that event; but having jumped into one I couldnt let him grow up as an only child if I could prevent that.

BUt I am a reader and try to plan and prepare. BUt even that is often not enough. I tell myself that for every emergency I deal with , it is a lesson to put into my experience bank.

As for lemmings? YOu said it before I did.

It's never enough. I'm old and have been doing chickens for a long, long time and I'm on here constantly searching for how to do it better. And I still hit situations I've never seen before and have no preparation for....but it's rare. Developing a certain type of method can help you no matter what emergency you encounter, but it takes a determined, steadfast approach to stick with it.

You are right...doing the wrong thing or ~unexpected or unplanned for~ emergencies are often the best ways to gain experience...but I would hate to gain that experience at the expense of the suffering of animals.
ChocolateMouse if I were you, I would have an appointment someplace real fast. Whatever you do, don't encourage her.

Lisa :)
"A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal"

Yep. I try not to discuss animals with my sister and just zone out when the conversations go there. She practically begged to buy my sheep from me when I moved but there was no amount of money she could have offered that would have made me do that.
It's never enough. I'm old and have been doing chickens for a long, long time and I'm on here constantly searching for how to do it better. And I still hit situations I've never seen before and have no preparation for....but it's rare. Developing a certain type of method can help you no matter what emergency you encounter, but it takes a determined, steadfast approach to stick with it.

You are right...doing the wrong thing or ~unexpected or unplanned for~ emergencies are often the best ways to gain experience...but I would hate to gain that experience at the expense of the suffering of animals.
you and me both Bee.
But how do they plan for going to work the next day, remember to charge the cell phone, take driving lessons before getting a license, or plan for the arrival of a baby? Do they just fling themselves into each day without preparing for it at all? It's like living in a world full of lemmings!

You'd think this would just be a run of the mill thought process whenever you obtain a creature with which you are unfamiliar....you try to prepare yourself by garnering knowledge so you can best take care of them, right? Or am I just lost in time on that one?

I have yet to buy my first chicken, but I have spent hundreds of hours on different sites researching. Old books are great. BYC is of course the best of the best because there is an answer for each and every question.
Typical male.  'Look at me, aren't I handsome.  Let me tell you about the fight I was in'!!  :lau    He is still a beautiful bird!

Lisa :)

Thanks, Lisa ! He tends to think he's handsome too ! Lol

Cute!  From this vid, his comb doesn't look half bad....I'm hoping he doesn't lose as much as you think he will.  You'll have to keep us updated on the progress.  :pop

I was sizing up his comb today, Bee and the areas that were affected are now turning a white/yellow color but really aren't looking all that bad at this point. I'm wondering if it might just be an outer layer or two of skin he loses and not so much the whole too portion of his comb. I'll keep ya'll posted.

Love it, yeah, that's class.   :plbb

I think it's a Munchausen by proxy thing. They can get a lot of attention from people when their animals are sick or dying, lots of sympathy and hugs and just...attention. My sister has always been one to beg, dance, scream and cry for attention all her life and this is just another way of getting it.

This is very sad. I'm so sorry.

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