Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Quote: Someone else with more math skills than I figured out the rations of the grains, alfalfa pellets & fish meal for my FF feed.
I do know its not much that's added per serving tho. It breaks down well also.

I used alfalfa pellets last winter but I just used water to break them down then fed them free choice to the hens. They were very mushy that way and the girls didn't care for them much. But they eat them better when mixed with their FF.
WBF, was wondering about Rodney's comb and if it were getting better or worse?  Got any good pics of it? 

My new roo was really being shown the ropes about foraging today by the hens and he really looked like he was picking it up well.  I also saw them teaching him about running through the open spaces instead of walking through them so as to not be preyed upon from above.  He's getting faster on his feet day by day.  Might make a free ranger out of him yet! 

Hi Bee... Here are a couple pics I snapped today of Rodney's comb. He was moving around so much that it was difficult to get a clear photo but at least you can get an idea. You can see the tips are a yellowish tinge, but look good otherwise. Directly below his tips was all black before and you can see that it is now a bright red. I truly believe that the CO helped out and I have to thank you for that :D So thanks, Bee !!



Someone else with more math skills than I figured out the rations of the grains, alfalfa pellets & fish meal for my FF feed. :p  I do know its not much that's added per serving tho.  It breaks down well also.

I used alfalfa pellets last winter but I just used water to break them down then fed them free choice to the hens. They were very mushy that way and the girls didn't care for them much. But they eat them better when mixed with their FF. 

About a hundred years ago I learned to balance those complicated rations. But, I didn't use it for a long time so I forgot how to do it. I can't even find my old nutrition book! I'm sure things have changed now. I bet now computer programs are used instead of so many brain cells and pencils, erasers and notebook paper. lol But I know the guy that owns the feed mill can do it. Hmmm... Most people try to balance for the protein level but a true balanced ration balances a whole lot more than just protein.
Hi Bee... Here are a couple pics I snapped today of Rodney's comb. He was moving around so much that it was difficult to get a clear photo but at least you can get an idea. You can see the tips are a yellowish tinge, but look good otherwise. Directly below his tips was all black before and you can see that it is now a bright red. I truly believe that the CO helped out and I have to thank you for that
So thanks, Bee !!

He looks good but I can see where he may lose those points or the skin on them. Let's hope it's just the outside layer of skin. One good thing about it if he does...he won't get frost bit points again. Maybe another massage on that comb with the CO....we are getting some major cold temps again starting tonight and the rest of the week. Brrrrrr! He'll need all the protection he can get if those same places get frosted again.
Someone else with more math skills than I figured out the rations of the grains, alfalfa pellets & fish meal for my FF feed. :p  I do know its not much that's added per serving tho.  It breaks down well also.

I used alfalfa pellets last winter but I just used water to break them down then fed them free choice to the hens. They were very mushy that way and the girls didn't care for them much. But they eat them better when mixed with their FF. 

Notice any difference in your yolks?
@WBF... Rodney doesn't look bad at all. Good!

He isn't looking as bad as I thought he would a couple weeks ago, that's for sure !

He looks good but I can see where he may lose those points or the skin on them.  Let's hope it's just the outside layer of skin.  One good thing about it if he does...he won't get frost bit points again.  Maybe another massage on that comb with the CO....we are getting some major cold temps again starting tonight and the rest of the week.  Brrrrrr!  He'll need all the protection he can get if those same places get frosted again. 

I agree, Bee. I think he'll likely lose the outer layer of skin, maybe even the points themselves but we shall see. Our temps take a big dip tomorrow so I'm going to slather some CO on him tomorrow morning just for extra good measure and hope for the best.

We have had such mild weather here for the last week or more and now it's going down in temps and we're in for a Nor'Easter on Wednesday with possibly 8-12" of snow. I feel like crying lol. I'm so over winter and ready for Spring ! Only a couple months and we'll be there ! :)
Quote: You wont want my cats either-- they dont touch a mouse or chick in the house.
We have been catching 1 mouse a day in the house. I am ready for d-con-- unless some one has a better idea. THe catch and rellease is not working!

is anybody fermenting alfalfa pellets?
I like fermenting the cubes this summer-- even the horses loved it!!
Still looking for pellets . . .

Quote: I can balance for rations too--- and protein is about enough. When I spoke to mill owner he said they don't balance for the vit and min any more, just add a premix and done.
Rodneys comb looks really good!!!

Hope everyone is ready for this next wave of artic cold. Forcaster said for the rest of January!! OMG!!!! I can't handle THAT. A few days maybe. I sure don't remember it being this stinkin' cold in all my years.

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