Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

It would take years to tell the "rest of the saga" but I was never again to kiss Mitchell, though he flirted with me quite a bit in the following years. He was handsome but he knew it...he finally got his high school girlfriend pregnant in their senior year and got married, but I think they divorced later on.

The "rest of the saga" of the broad path to destruction is better left untold for it includes many a shameful and stupid things down through the years~in the name of love~ got me married briefly and divorced, three boys that I love dearly, and has concluded in me living unmarried now for 27 years, despite many poor choices for romance in the ensuing years and the last nine years as celibate. In other words, I kissed a lot of frogs since then (none of them as good as Mitchell Frog ) and never found a prince....heck, I didn't even find a human, let alone a prince!

Here, here. So say I.
Bee, I just want you to know that you form your thoughts so very well and you put them down in order and they flow and go together like they should. I tend to be a little bit scatter-brained and just am not as eloquent as you are. But I want you to know, I copied all of that which you wrote above and have put it into a "Word" document. I'm going to make a wood burning, actually two, and the words will be what you wrote. I'm going to give one to my daughter when she and her wonderful fiance tie the knot and I'm going to give one to my son before he even gets involved with any young ladies. I want him to see this and read it and get it engrained into who he is so that his wife will NEVER have occasion to ask the Lord, "Why?"

You are truly a blessing and I just want you to know that I appreciate you so very much. I wish we lived closer too cuz I think we could be pretty good buds. I would learn a lot from you and you would have lots of good reasons to laugh and probably roll your eyes a bit too!

A perfect thing to do for your kids. It may someday change their lives. And you owe it to Jules.
Well. that's about the nicest thing I've ever heard! Thank you! I'm overawed that you would use those words....if I had known they would be used I might have used more care to form them!
I pray that your daughter will have just such a husband, as he will be a pearl of great price!

You don't know how much I'd love to have some of you ladies living next door! What a fun time we'd have and what wonderful fellowship!

There's nothing virtual about friendship. I just can't give you a hug.
I must say that although I am probably significantly younger than many of you, I have found a prince who was thankfully let go of by his wicked ex-wife. I’ve had to deal with that wench for 8 years so far and can’t believe the things that she does! Woah! Their poor 14yo son…

But, to get back to (Ahem) topic… My dear hubby is the most amazing, thoughtful, easy going, caring, well intentioned, forgiving, trustworthy, hard-working, helpful, creative, fun loving, supportive, adventurous person I have ever met. He’s the kind of guy that actually takes the time to listen, cares, and understands – that others go to to have a listening ear and support when they need it. Not only that, he’s good looking to boot! AND he puts up with ME!
I would say that as few frogs as I have kissed (My first kiss was when I was 16 and it was – sloppy and wet), I’m glad I waited until I was 30 and found this real treasure.

And, maybe I do have to thank his ex-wife a little – she “put him back on the market”, and now that he found someone worthwhile, he’s willing to do what it takes to keep it going, and he does well! I believe we’ve only had one real argument in our time together, and that was completely understood as both of us had way too much on our plates and needed an outlet – not blame on either of us! You know, you are never upset for the reasons you think you are… And the straw that broke the camel’s back… all that stuff

I must say that we have gone through more than most in those 8 years (lost a child, lost parents/grandparents, lost jobs, moving, travel, 4 kids, an ex-wife who is relentless, step son with developmental disabilities…

Anyway, I just thought I’d pipe up to say that there ARE some princes out there, but mine is NOT available!!!
Awww.... Love hearing stories like this.... I am going to be 59 this year.... Never married. Wouldnt know how to be a wife now. So I am distinctly done looking..... Except for the hunky firemen that jog around the park occasionally.... I like to .... "observe"... sigh.

You guys give me a virtual hug and an uplift nearly every day...and you have no idea what a healing presence you are to me. It's one of the only reasons I keep coming back to this forum, as the love I find here I cannot find anywhere else in the world at this moment.
And right now I so very much need it.
Ive been told.I have a dry sense of humor hence the lol . You had me at he doesnt exist then my smart phone got stupid I had said because s/he doesnt exist but are made then it got godded up but I cant go there because I got kicked off a thread for debating evol vs creationism ITS AGAINST the rules. so suffice it to say estrogen we ALL have our illusions to chase be they chemical or imagined thats all I meant. You are a very deep and experienced woman so enjoy the ride its all we have. I forget the thread now and my user name was trapperred and a scientist and I took the analyticall view and I got blocked so here I am but not to debate the myth of god. So we continue down the path of life to live learn and share peace. uote name="Beekissed" url="/t/64430 fermenting-feed-for-meat-birds/14610#post_12869410"]
No, don't be sorry!  That's how we roll on this thread!  :D   We get off topic, we wander along side paths, we love one another and share our hopes.  I think every woman, at one point or another, has hoped for the right man to complete their lives.  Some of us will die with that hope, some have found him, some will continue to look, some are content to know what they want, even though they may never have it. 

It's all about life and I think this thread is more about that, even, than it is about fermented feed.  :)
Ive been told.I have a dry sense of humor hence the lol . You had me at he doesnt exist then my smart phone got stupid I had said because s/he doesnt exist but are made then it got godded up but I cant go there because I got kicked off a thread for debating evol vs creationism ITS AGAINST the rules. so suffice it to say estrogen we ALL have our illusions to chase be they chemical or imagined thats all I meant. You are a very deep and experienced woman so enjoy the ride its all we have. I forget the thread now and my user name was trapperred and a scientist and I took the analyticall view and I got blocked so here I am but not to debate the myth of god. So we continue down the path of life to live learn and share peace. uote name="Beekissed" url="/t/64430 fermenting-feed-for-meat-birds/14610#post_12869410"]
No, don't be sorry! That's how we roll on this thread!
We get off topic, we wander along side paths, we love one another and share our hopes. I think every woman, at one point or another, has hoped for the right man to complete their lives. Some of us will die with that hope, some have found him, some will continue to look, some are content to know what they want, even though they may never have it.

It's all about life and I think this thread is more about that, even, than it is about fermented feed.

No...best not to debate such a thing on a chicken forum. That's a debate that needs to be carried on within one's own heart and mind and is better left there, as that is where it will be decided and lived out, and the final outcome of that decision will only matter to the one who owns the heart and mind therein.
Totally and someday may we appreciate one another for who we are because its the right and humane thing to do. not because Jesus. or Budda or Mohamid or the toothfairy said so at least thats the goal here Its all good now if this phone were smart ha

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