Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

ALSO wanted to tell you guys of ANOTHER idea I have had for that satellite gazebo. As you know I was going to close it in for another chicken pen. Was looking into U clamps to hold all the boards to those metal posts with that we have holding it up. Was going to cost 100 plus just in clamps so I thought about those cattle panels instead. Hubby really liked that idea because he can weld those onto the metal poles. So now trying to figure out what other kind of wire to put over those cattle panels since they have large holes in them. Wont have to use all those boards I was going to have to use now since using those panels but will need to use welded wire or poultry wire over the panels but don't know which.. ???? anyway then all I will need to do is make a door for it. Saving up now for the cattle panels and looking for the best deal on them. I will probably need about 3 I am thinking. Would be nice if hubby could weld me a door to and put the panel over it since that would be more sturdy than boards. He loves welding and his friend has offered to let him borrow his welding machine since he does stuff for him all the time. :) So looks like that will be in our near future to be doing.
Hey Latestarter
I always wondered if it was jerry or jury rigged.
Not very wild? That means you live in a city? or suburbs? Glad to have you.

Hi Linda, Thanks for the greets
Front range of Colorado... N/NE of Denver. Just outside what would be called "suburbs." Kinda farm country but not quite "ranch land" status LOL. Since this used to be "rope necktie" country, I imagine that's where jury rigging came into play
In any case, glad to be here
Getting my first chicks the end of next month and have learned soooooooooo much from threads like this one. Certainly glad there are OT's willing to share their years of practical knowledge and experience. Plan on starting them on FF right from day one!
Hi Linda, Thanks for the greets
Front range of Colorado... N/NE of Denver. Just outside what would be called "suburbs." Kinda farm country but not quite "ranch land" status LOL. Since this used to be "rope necktie" country, I imagine that's where jury rigging came into play
In any case, glad to be here
Getting my first chicks the end of next month and have learned soooooooooo much from threads like this one. Certainly glad there are OT's willing to share their years of practical knowledge and experience. Plan on starting them on FF right from day one!
@Latestarter Welcome!

@Beekissed He's talking about you, OT!!!
Hi Linda, Thanks for the greets
Front range of Colorado... N/NE of Denver. Just outside what would be called "suburbs." Kinda farm country but not quite "ranch land" status LOL. Since this used to be "rope necktie" country, I imagine that's where jury rigging came into play
In any case, glad to be here
Getting my first chicks the end of next month and have learned soooooooooo much from threads like this one. Certainly glad there are OT's willing to share their years of practical knowledge and experience. Plan on starting them on FF right from day one!
Welcome from Texas!! Glad to have you hear on this 'OT' thread.....We will enable you in getting more and more chickens, so beware.

Lisa :)
ALSO wanted to tell you guys of ANOTHER idea I have had for that satellite gazebo. As you know I was going to close it in for another chicken pen. Was looking into U clamps to hold all the boards to those metal posts with that we have holding it up. Was going to cost 100 plus just in clamps so I thought about those cattle panels instead. Hubby really liked that idea because he can weld those onto the metal poles. So now trying to figure out what other kind of wire to put over those cattle panels since they have large holes in them. Wont have to use all those boards I was going to have to use now since using those panels but will need to use welded wire or poultry wire over the panels but don't know which.. ???? anyway then all I will need to do is make a door for it. Saving up now for the cattle panels and looking for the best deal on them. I will probably need about 3 I am thinking. Would be nice if hubby could weld me a door to and put the panel over it since that would be more sturdy than boards. He loves welding and his friend has offered to let him borrow his welding machine since he does stuff for him all the time. :) So looks like that will be in our near future to be doing.
I would use hardware cloth esp if you have predators around. When I made my hoop coop out of cattle panels I put field fencing over it then put hardware cloth around the bottom of it. Chicken wire can easily be broken or bent for predators to get in.

Here is what I used over the cattle panels http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/red-brand-woven-field-fence-39-in-h-104650299--1

And the hardware cloth: http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/hardware-cloth-10-ft-x-24-in
The hardware cloth is expensive but I bought some from an estate sale then some at a reuse store super cheap. I always have my eye out for more cheap. It always comes in handy :)
I would use hardware cloth esp if you have predators around. When I made my hoop coop out of cattle panels I put field fencing over it then put hardware cloth around the bottom of it. Chicken wire can easily be broken or bent for predators to get in.

Here is what I used over the cattle panels http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/red-brand-woven-field-fence-39-in-h-104650299--1

And the hardware cloth: http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/hardware-cloth-10-ft-x-24-in
The hardware cloth is expensive but I bought some from an estate sale then some at a reuse store super cheap. I always have my eye out for more cheap. It always comes in handy :)
I agree! I love hardware cloth, but it is expensive. We just put up fence for pasture foraging for the chickens, and we had a galvanized tubular gate that we weren't using. We also had some fencing from TSC that I attached to the gate from the ground up with pieces of electric fence wire. We used the field fence you referenced for the fence itself with T-posts. We are going to stretch electric fence down low as well. Here is what we covered the gate with:


We found it on sale last year for $89 I think it was. Of course the regular price was lower a year ago, as with most things.
Walked in the coop this afternoon to find one of the meaty chicks on the roost....which is 4 1/2 ft. off the ground. All snuggled down for a little perch. They are just over 3 wks, I think. I'll have to look back to when I got them. They are foraging fools and filling up on the green and in the woods every day. Moochy little guys too....I was bent over tending to the chicks in the brooder when one jumped up on the hay bale next to me and then onto my back, walked up my back and stood on my shoulder. Just peeping like I was his mama...cute little boogers!

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