Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I would like to take a bit of time to apologize to Bee here on the forum. Yesterday I reacted too quickly to something Bee said. For those of you that read this thread, you know what took place so I won't go over it again.

Bee is a very kind soul. I know she would never do anything to offend or hurt anyone. I over-reacted plain and simple. I know it was not meant to be personal and I hope she will accept my apology.

I also apologize to those on this thread for my post. Anything personal should never be posted on an open forum. I'm sorry.
I would like to take a bit of time to apologize to Bee here on the forum. Yesterday I reacted too quickly to something Bee said. For those of you that read this thread, you know what took place so I won't go over it again.

Bee is a very kind soul. I know she would never do anything to offend or hurt anyone. I over-reacted plain and simple. I know it was not meant to be personal and I hope she will accept my apology.

I also apologize to those on this thread for my post. Anything personal should never be posted on an open forum. I'm sorry.

All of us have those days, and honestly it never hurts to give each other a chance to do more explaining - I thought Bee did a great job of clarifying herself. Hopefully we all take into account our inability to see expressions and hear tone of voice, and accept one another as genuinely trying to support each other in our endeavor to know all we can about keeping chickens well. We are fortunate those with experience are willing to help us get there.
I would like to take a bit of time to apologize to Bee here on the forum. Yesterday I reacted too quickly to something Bee said. For those of you that read this thread, you know what took place so I won't go over it again.

Bee is a very kind soul. I know she would never do anything to offend or hurt anyone. I over-reacted plain and simple. I know it was not meant to be personal and I hope she will accept my apology.

I also apologize to those on this thread for my post. Anything personal should never be posted on an open forum. I'm sorry.

And you have no need to apologize...it was my foul. You are the one that is owed an apology and we have exchanged those privately and now, publicly. You are a cherished friend for placing a mirror in front of my face and I will try to do better on how I communicate and on expressing my opinions. Thank you so very much!!

A silly ol' chicken forum is no place to take out my bitterness over the suffering I see and I should learn to control my thoughts and fingers. I apologize to anyone who may have been offended by my opinions. They are mine and should not always be offered up for public consumption.
armorfirelady, did you mean the rectangular Rubbermaid type containers? I never even thought of that, even though we use them for about everything else around here, LOL
Yes they are rectangular and rated as heavy duty. They nest in the lids of the ones below them and are very sturdy stacked on top of one another. I can get a pic of them when I get home if you would like? They arent like the regular tubs used for storage. Much thicker plastic
I doubt it.  Rabbits are a little like ruminants in the fact that they eat some of their undigested poop again~sort of like chewing a cud...they just don't regurg a cud like a cow or deer.  I don't think they would need the fermentation and it would be very hard to feed them a wet feed.  I would, however, use the mother vinegar in their water at all times and provide some good quality hay to balance their diet of grains. 

x2, especially for your breeders.

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