Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Would you share? I have done a lot of nutrition research as well and to be honest, I think you're the first person I've run across that has said so! That really exciting to me.

Unless of course, they are secret. Hope not
I Love this, that you did all this research.
Would you mind sharing again

If not I understand. Thanks
Anyone know if rabbit food is dangerous for chickens to eat? My birds keep eating all my rabbit food

I have 25 rabbits in cages along the outside of my coop, been there 2 years. I feed Country Acres rabbit feed made by Purina my chickens like to hang out waiting for someone to spill a feed dish and they've never been sick from it. They always scratch and dig for bugs living in the rabbit poo, I figure it's good protien. I did hear one boy in our 4-h club accidently fed rabbits the chicken layer pellets during the summer heat. Some of his rabbits overheated cause of the higher corn content in the layer.
X2 or 5 which ever it is.
Me too, please?

Were those made in a muffin tin? What is the ingredient that everything is sitting in?
I've never really considered making suet before but your comment "high octane,heat-generating tool" definitely got my attention.
Do you have a base recipe you follow and then just add various other ingredients as you can get your hands on them?

I sent you a PM.

x 2 pretty please..........

I Love this, that you did all this research.
Would you mind sharing again

If not I understand. Thanks
I would like to know also but I guess it is to big of a secret to post for all to try.
well after three weeks of reading 315 pages of posts, in my spare time, i have decided to take the plunge into fermented feed with my dual purpose flock. i started a small batch (not wanting to put all my eggs in one basket...hehe) two days ago. wish me luck
well after three weeks of reading 315 pages of posts, in my spare time, i have decided to take the plunge into fermented feed with my dual purpose flock. i started a small batch (not wanting to put all my eggs in one basket...hehe) two days ago.  wish me luck

I did the same thing. First batch was small and just enough to feed them all once. The next day I was at walmart looking for bigger buckets. It's so easy you won't find a reason not to do it.
Good luck!

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