Fertile...infertile...I just can't tell!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 15, 2012
I've tried comparing this with every picture I could find, but I'm just not positive. My guess is infertile.
Also, does anyone know for sure approximately how long a hen lays fertile eggs after she is separated from the rooster?


I dont think it is either, however has a hen sat on it?
I think a roo is good in there for 10 days but 14 is not unheard of... Did you loose a roo?
No Sally, she laid it just a few minutes before the picture was taken. She's not at all the type to linger on her eggs. Lay 'em and leave 'em...

We can't have roosters where we live, but we adopted her from a home where she was being brutalized by an over-amorous rooster. The first batch of chicks we attempted to hatch came from her, but it's been a while. I just wanted to make sure that we're not eating eggs that I could be trying to hatch.
A hen can be fertile for a couple weeks after mating. I tend to wait a full month to hatch anything, if hens where kept with an undesirable rooster. The egg in the photo does appear to be fertile. However, half the time I don't see anything in my eggs (and most of them hatch...so they must be fertile.) If you want to hatch them, toss them in the incubator. If they hatch great, if not all well.
No Sally, she laid it just a few minutes before the picture was taken. She's not at all the type to linger on her eggs. Lay 'em and leave 'em...

We can't have roosters where we live, but we adopted her from a home where she was being brutalized by an over-amorous rooster. The first batch of chicks we attempted to hatch came from her, but it's been a while. I just wanted to make sure that we're not eating eggs that I could be trying to hatch.
Why I questioned her sitting on them is because of all the white "stringies" I am finding that sometimes eggs do look different! And those "stringies" could be a good start! Then if you can spare them, set them! why not try! Nothing to loose! LOOK at this ENLARGE VIEW OF YOUR PIC!
What do the stringies mean?
I have one lonely egg in the incubator from a couple of days ago. We'll see...

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