fig tree

The fig will start getting brown and begin to soften up as it ripens. It will be a "medium" brown and will be soft to the touch when ready. They will be sweet also. You probably still have at least another month.
Wolf is right. It also helps to know the variety. There are quite a few that can be grown is South Texas. We (SC) are limited to a couple. It is early for the fig varieties that I am familiar with.
You wait and pick figs when they are fully ripe. They will be soft when they are ready to pick. They will droop at the neck.

Some varieties get a drop of thick nectar at the opening on the bottom, or oozing out of the skin.

There are many colors in figs, so without knowing what variety of fig you've got, it isn't possible to advise on color.
Looking at what you have there and the general size/shape you could look up the "celeste" and use that information as a general guide. It is what is most common here in S. Louisiana and all of the average figs here are exactly what you have posted there. I was at my mom's yesterday and her fig tree is what you have pictured here.
Looking at what you have there and the general size/shape you could look up the "celeste" and use that information as a general guide. It is what is most common here in S. Louisiana and all of the average figs here are exactly what you have posted there. I was at my mom's yesterday and her fig tree is what you have pictured here.
thanks I will look that up .
those just aren't ripe yet -- I have 2 fig trees -- one is a Kadota -- the big "greenish-white" figs & the other is a Brown Turkish - big brown figs -- neither are nearly ripe yet - it'll be another few weeks. I'm in central La. Yours do look like Celeste. Wait until they get soft - then they're ripe & you will have more figs than you know what to do with! (I can some of mine, dehydrate the rest to use year round in home-made fig newtons & the Italian fig cookies at Christmas time).

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