Filling the incubator 6-3-2011 Join me for my 1st attempt?

From what you're describing with your EE's I'd have to agree that nothing is happening with them.

I always wait until at least day 10 too, before I make a judgment call on any that seem to not be developing. If candling at day 10 you have any eggs that are still clear you can pretty much right them off.

Day 7 for my Marans! Yay! One week down and 2 more to go! I won't candle them for at least another 3 days. However my Silkies will be day 3 tomorrow and I will candle them. They are shipped eggs so I am hoping for the best! I ordered 6+ and the seller sent 11! I told the DH I just wanted a couple Silkie hens for broodies. He was fine with 6+ egg but when I got 11 he said "Well if you have the same success you have had with shipped eggs in the past I may need to build a coop just for the Silkies."

In the past with shipped eggs I've had 12/14, 11/13, and 14/15 hatch! So I think my DH is expecting at least 9 Silkie chicks.
the Silkies do well because I will get another coop if they do!!!
just candled - day 7 for me. out of 22 eggs 13 are swimming, 2 clear, 2 early quitters, and 4 i am not sure about yet. one of the swimmers is in my bator that got up to 104 for several hours on wednesday. 3 others in that bator still have defined veining but i can't see any movement. is there any hope for them? if they are dead will they develop the quitter ring and how long will it take?
My first time I had a temp spike of 110 and got a 11/13 hatch so I would just wait a bit to see what is going on.

that gives me hope. it is sooooo stinkin' awesome to see those little swimmers inside the eggs. i want to run out into the street and tell everyone.
My first time I had a temp spike of 110 and got a 11/13 hatch so I would just wait a bit to see what is going on.

that gives me hope. it is sooooo stinkin' awesome to see those little swimmers inside the eggs. i want to run out into the street and tell everyone.

I know what you mean. This is my first hatch attempt, and it was so exciting to see those little chickies swimming around in there. After I got the candling thing figured out (candling from the top, not the bottom) I was able to see much more in the eggs, including a very clear air cell. I've got 23 of 26 developing, 3 I'm still unsure of, but not ready to give up on. I'm on day 9. I had a temp spike of 106 on day 2 and was scared that I cooked the little guys, but they all see do be doing fine.
I had one egg that was a quitter. It had a definite blood ring on it. Two others are questionable. Not sure if they even started developing. I have 6 definitely growing eggs. There are moving babies in the eggs and I can see the baby moving back and forth and the heart beating. It's so cool!!

I have 3 ameraucana eggs that I absolutely can't see through at all. I thought I saw veining a little bit in the beginning but now all I can see is dark I can't see anything through the shell. They are dark neon green. We are just going to hope that they hatch and that they were fertile.

Keep your fingers crossed.
Stitch, didn't you set your eggs last Friday (June 3)? Or did you set on Thursday?

How are you counting your days? Because I thought I read that you don't count the day you set, so that would make Saturday, June 4 Day One, and would make today DaySix.

I'd like to make sure I'm counting days right so I know when to bump the humidity and go into lockdown!

The eggs arrived Wednesday morning, so I set them at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Day 1 would have been over 10 a.m. on Thursday. I didn't expect the eggs to get here until Thursday, so it was a pleasant surprise when they arrived wednesday.

Okay, I really feel dumb. I've been keeping track of when I'm turning the eggs (so I don't forget), and happened to look at the date on the log of the first day. You were right, it was Thursday June 2nd that I set the eggs, so we're only on day 8. I think the excitement of seeing them develop is starting to scramble my brain and making me forget how to

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