Filling the incubator 6-3-2011 Join me for my 1st attempt?

well it wont be 7 full days for me till sunday i didnt set them till saterday afternoon but in keeping my fingers crossed
and hopeing that something turns out for me
Any idea what went wrong? Did they start developing and just stop, or did they not even start? These were shipped eggs?
Welcome, LuvMyBLR!

Well, I finally got around to candling all my eggs (day 8). Of my 12 mottled cochin, it looks like only 4 are developing. Which is actually okay because I don't really want a whole barnful of those. I only ordered 6 eggs, but the seller sent 12! Of the others, 3 look infertile, 2 have blood rings, and 3 had displaced air cells from shipping and look like they never began developing at all (may also have been infertile).

on the 15 marans eggs, I just can't see jack! But they do look different from when they first arrived. At that time, at least a little light penetrated them. Now nothing gets through except a tiny bit right where the air cell should be. So I'm not ruling any of them out. They weren't shipped nearly as far (just from Oklahoma to north Texas) and they were wonderfully, wonderfully packed. So...I'm hoping all or most of them are developing!

Bator is still holding steady between 99.5 and 100 degrees. Humidity has fallen a little from 42 or so to about 37, but I'm not worried about that. It's because the environmental humidity has changed with this heat wave. I am doing dry hatch. If it gets too low (below 25%) I'll add some water.

Come on, little marans!!!!!
Any idea what went wrong? Did they start developing and just stop, or did they not even start? These were shipped eggs?

Yes they were shipped
didn't even start developing. I'm guessing infertile or PO scrambled.
Candled my silkie eggs today and 4 of the white ones are doing well. The 5th one is a ? right now. It's not looking good for any of the 6 BBS eggs though
and their the ones I really wanted. It's only day 3, so
on on a couple of them.

I also grabbed 2 of my Marans eggs at the same time and both of them were right on schedule so I have high hopes for the other 21 of them! I will be candling all the Marans either tomorrow or Monday morning!
Well, we've had our first casualty today. Saw a definate blood ring on one of the Barred Rocks. Cracked it open, and sure enough, it stopped on day 3 or 4 or so.

I have a couple of eggs with very large air cells... not sure what that means. Most of the others look "normal", where they should be, not moving around, etc.
I just candled my Marans and I have 17 of 23 developing right on schedule! A few of the 6 looked okay but they were the darkest eggs and a little harder to see into. I'll know for sure when I candle again before lockdown!

I may have to get more silkie eggs after this hatch. I candled again and I have only one sure baby. The BBS eggs are a no go and the other 4 white eggs 3 have veining but no visible baby yet and the other is a blood ring. The PO wreaked havoc on the box so I know the eggs were handled poorly.
well i havent tryed to candle my eggs sence i droped one the other day but i dont think i will be ordering any eggs threw the mail for delivery to here cause ive had way to much trouble just getting letters to here ive gotten a few letters delivered to here that seemed to travle all over this state before they make it here and this seems to happen alot even my phone bill took almost a week to get here last month it had 4 different post marks on it from different towns in the area and i have lived here for almost 8 years now but if i could order the eggs and get them from ups pr fed ex then i wouldnd mind ordering them but no way would i try from the mail
i candled my questionable 9 eggs today. i disposed of 2 clear and 2 early (day 3 or 4) quitters. the rest are all viable, so that makes 18 out of 22 eggs on day 10. yay! i am really relieved because this is only my second attempt and the first ended sooooo badly (0 out of 12).

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