Final tally 9/10 mutts! Ah designer chicks! Pics added

I think those are part ostrich.

Aww, they are so cute..thanks for the pics! I love the fuzzy butt pic too.

Final tally is 9 out of 10 and all healthy! I had 1 blue egg in there that I really wanted to hatch and of course that is the one that didn't. I opened it up and it was fully formed and the yolk completely absorbed. Maybe I should have intervened. No idea what happened. But I am thrilled with a 90% hatch rate! Here they are:
I have 2 babies that hatched today (little mutts from my Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster and the hens are: Australorp, Buff Orpington, Partridge Rock, and Lt Brahma) and they look exactly like your first little dark ones! black on top, white on wingtips, throat, belly. Mine have a couple of tiny white splashes the face--
my first little grand-mutts! ;0) The eggs were from the very first week or so that they were laying-- I knew the rooster had been 'roostering' so this was sort of an experiment to see if I could get good babies and YAY! they are wonderful !!

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