Finch Egg Incubation!

Oh dear! At least you tried. It is very, very difficult when they are so small. :hugs

Pikachu and Poot should try again pretty quickly for you.
Thank you so much for all of your help. Right now they don't seem like they wan anything to do with chicks for a while, so I guess I'll wait. Well, thanks again, I really do appreciate your help.:hugs
She should do better this time around. She's obviously keen to be a mother. Can you move them to a quieter room so they feel like they have a bit more privacy perhaps?
Back again, 3 eggs this time. Constant sitting, but I think one egg is bad because its been there for a while before they started sitting, so yeah! I'll keep you updated!
I'm glad Pikachu and Poot are trying again. Fingers crossed they'll do better this time around.

I'm currently raising two Java finch chicks. Their mother squished their siblings badly (they were pretty mashed - it was horrible), and one of the surviving chicks has nipped toes. We did have a bad thunderstorm the night they hatched so I don't know if that upset her, or if she's just a bad parent (I think it's the latter)! They are doing ok so far and they are almost 3 days old. Java finch chicks are so much easier than littler ones - they are a lot bigger which makes handling and feeding them easier.

Keep me posted on your pair!

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