Fingers crossed the Moms can raise the babies


7 Years
Mar 20, 2012
Grants Pass, OR
I have a wild pair that successfully hatched 2, then abandoned them.

I have another pen with 2 females that have been sitting on unfertile eggs for weeks.

I took a chance and put the COLD babies under the female that was sitting on eggs. It took a few seconds to get her settled down on the ice cubes. 12 hours later I was surprised they were both still alive and moving around much better. 24 hours later the other female had taken over and the wee ones were looking bigger and happy.

I haven't seen feeding but I'm assuming they are getting something since they are stronger now than when I first checked on them.

We got the wild ones for raising other breeds, didn't expect this situation though.
I have a wild pair that successfully hatched 2, then abandoned them.
I have another pen with 2 females that have been sitting on unfertile eggs for weeks.
I took a chance and put the COLD babies under the female that was sitting on eggs.
Good play I have done the same thing and it worked for me good luck back yard buddy.
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That's rough, at least you tried! Maybe the parents abandoned them because they weren't healthy enough / deemed to be a lost cause? Maybe the foster parents were good at keeping them warm but not good at feeding them too? Who knows, sorry to hear nonetheless!


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