Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

You know you're addicted to chickens when...
...Google automatically assumes you want to search for something about chickens.
...Google is usually right.
...your friends and neighbors refer to you as "the crazy chicken lady/man".
2665.png have a refrigerator (or two) that is just for storing eggs.
2666.png have converted your garage into a chicken coop and now park your car under a tarp.
2663.png installed AC in your coops so you can keep varieties that don't tolerate your summers.
2660.png have more pictures of your chickens than of your own family.
...your profile picture on social networking sites is a picture of one of your chickens.
2666.png take your chickens' tastes into consideration when buying groceries for yourself.
...the local grocer knows this and sets aside old produce to dump off on you.
2660.png own coffee mugs, t-shirts, or other items with pictures of your chickens on them.
And finally...
...there's feathers in your hair, poop on your shoes, litter on your pants, and eggs in your pockets, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm dying this is so funny
  • You string LED Christmas lights outside their window on a timer, so they won't be jolted awake when you come home (after dark this time of year) and use a camping lamp to close up all the coop-to-run doors and do a head count.
  • You and DH turn off your headlights at the gate or don't turn them on until you're facing the road so they won't shine into the coop and wake the roosters.
  • You're thrilled about the chickens jumping up on the railing near the kitchen window and you open the window to talk to them. Really when they are near any window it's time for a "Whatcha doin?" conversation.
  • You throw out treats and defend the chickens' right to chase off the dogs, or you do it yourself.
  • You develop super sonic hearing and hear an alarm call or a rooster screech from any room in the house...with the windows closed and the TV on.
  • Every time you plan to go out for entertainment, how much free-ranging time the chickens will get is always a deciding factor on if you go or when you leave.
  • You've run out of your house in various stages of un-dress to check on what the cackling was about/what are the dogs barking at/what set off the roosters, especially when it's free ranging time.
  • when you make a quick stop at tracter supply (and it takes two hours
  • you spend all your time and money building a chicken fortress
  • you have holes in your yard from digging dirt for winter dustbaths

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