Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

...You are always thinking of new treat options for them.
... You are always planning on new chicken breeds to get in the spring.
... You go out multiple times a day to say "hi" to your chickens and hold your favorite rooster Rodney.
...When you have names for all of you chickens and can tell them all apart easily.
...When your mom buys a 2013 chicken calender to hang in the kitchen, because she knows you'll love it

...You say "Thanks Girls!' every time you collect eggs.

I think this list could go on forever!
When you send 'Bird and the girls a postcard when you are on vacation and you can picture the look on your mail ladys face when she sees in the addressed to line: The fluffy butts of Frost Road.

Worse yet? You mom who is chicken sitting for you takes the post card out to them and shows it to them!!!!!!

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