Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

when you have more chickens than friends.

when you go to the feed store to get a week's supply and it costs over $200

when you build a $10,000 barn instead of adding onto your 700-800 square foot home.

when you buy them, get them home, and then think about where your going to put them.

when your walking through the local grocery and you hear "hey chicken man"

when you and your neighbors no longer need an alarm clock to get up at 5 am.

when you no longer have to mow your yard, and chickens are the only livestock you have.

when your chickens are more valuable than your and your spouse's car combined.

just for the record, im not addicted
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When you hurry to pick up feathers before your husband gets out of bed so he don't know they've been in the house (again) then the family cat walks by with one sticking off his tail!

Or.... When your favorite girl has a "good side"

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