Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you carve them their own special pumpkin for a snack since they can't go outside in a hurricane. :)
When you have a dream that someone gave you a whole flock of chickens, which included Houdans, Polish, Black Japs, Appenzeller Spitzhaubens, and a Silver Laced Brahma.
When you plead with your family to get over the grossness of meal worms so you can grow them for your birds.
~When your chickens regularly get breakfast before you do
~When you walk (on average) a mile and a half each day to take care of them (My chickens are at my dad's house on the other side of town, and I try to tend to them at least twice a day)
~When you find yourself thinking, "Well, I'd never be able to eat all of it, but the chickens would love the leftovers".
~When you are seriously contemplating getting an AC unit for the coop just so you can have varieties that don't normally tolerate your summers.
~When a common phrase from your friends and family is "Oh gee... more chicken pictures..."
~When you have fantasized about opening a chicken-themed amusement park/educational center/"zoo".
~When you make an instant new best friend just because you discover you can talk "chickens" with them.
~When you find yourself using chicken lingo in everyday speech that has nothing to do with chickens at all.

And finally
~When you can remember the names of 30 + chickens but can't remember the names of your own human coworkers.
Ok, time for some fun!

Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens when..."
When you have their picture as a screen saver
~When your chickens regularly get breakfast before you do
~When you walk (on average) a mile and a half each day to take care of them (My chickens are at my dad's house on the other side of town, and I try to tend to them at least twice a day)
~When you find yourself thinking, "Well, I'd never be able to eat all of it, but the chickens would love the leftovers".
~When you are seriously contemplating getting an AC unit for the coop just so you can have varieties that don't normally tolerate your summers.
~When a common phrase from your friends and family is "Oh gee... more chicken pictures..."
~When you have fantasized about opening a chicken-themed amusement park/educational center/"zoo".
~When you make an instant new best friend just because you discover you can talk "chickens" with them.
~When you find yourself using chicken lingo in everyday speech that has nothing to do with chickens at all.

And finally
~When you can remember the names of 30 + chickens but can't remember the names of your own human coworkers.

All the time everyday they have breakfast and dinner before me.
When you have 23 separate coops and still need more in order to separate all the roosters.

When you go to extraordinary lengths to save a sick rooster who is crop bound including administering an enema.

When you can identify each rooster by his crow.

When you know all 59 of your chickens' names.

When your medicine cabinet has more meds for chickens than for humans.

When your prayer request list includes your chickens.

When your church family greets you with a crow.

When your friends ask about the well being of your chickens before asking about your husband.

When you have to purchase that second refrigerator because there is not enough room in the first one for any more eggs!

When you have more garbage cans for storing feed than for garbage.
-when your speech for school is on chickens
-when you go out in a hurricane to check on your chickens in their hen house
-when you give them more oatmeal than you get in the morning
-when they get done and fed before anything else happens in the morning
-when you do school with them in their coop
-when you can instantly make them fall asleep in your lap
-when there are probably more pictures on the family camera every day of the chickens
-when they have leg warmers and anklets.
-when you see a worm you go 'GREAT!! The chickens will love this!!!'
-when you purposely don't eat all your food when you know the chickens will love it
-when you know you're addicted to chickens. :) tell them good night and you love them. hug them when you pick them up. treat them like they're your children. postpone a sleepover with your friend if one of them is hurt. start to collect chicken-themed decor for your home. brag about them to everyone, even those that couldn't care less. never want to live anywhere that you can't keep chickens.

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