Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..." tell them good night and you love them. hug them when you pick them up. treat them like they're your children. postpone a sleepover with your friend if one of them is hurt. start to collect chicken-themed decor for your home. brag about them to everyone, even those that couldn't care less. never want to live anywhere that you can't keep chickens.
hahahah, the second to last one is so true :p
A storm coming, and one of my hardest-to-catch-but-lays-everyday chickens went through a barbed-wire fence out into a huge hard-to-navigate pasture behind my land. Lightning and thunder, and I had to catch her. now my whole body is shaking, I'm burning up, and my arm is cut on a barbed wire fence and is bleeding. I got the chicken, though!
Oh my! Chicken crazy? A little! I would do that, except I'm terrified of thunder.
...when if someone asks you if you about your chickens you will ramble on for who knows how long
...when instead of hanging out with your friends on Saturday you build your chickens a mansion for the winter. :3
...when every time you leave their coop you say 'Be good and lay lots of good eggs!!!' :D
...when you say you can't sleepover cause of your chickens
...when 64% of the time your family finds your chickens on your porch pecking on the door for you. :3
...when you want your room painted WITH chickens walking all over it. :)
You drool when you see one but do not have one

You go to the feed store a lot just to see their little chickies

Everyone at school knows you're chicken crazy

You yell at everyone about chickens

You randomly check hatchery availability even though you know you won't be able to get any

If you could get them, you would have at least 100

You wear chicken shirts

Your budgies argue about who would be the first to meet the future chickens

You become a magic birdie!

You look up chickens on google or wikipedia

You are constantly planning coops...

...And picking out chicken breeds

You watch chickens on Youtube

You spend at least 3 hours on BYC every day

You wait 113 days...

... and counted down for the day you get your chicks...

....just to be told you can't have them

You have dreams about chickies

You go to animal shelters just to see their chickens

That's me at least.

Oh my goodness, so true!!!!! :) spend hours watching your chickens and NOT get bored! name all your chickens even when they look almost exactly alike!
....everyone knows your the crazy chicken lady/guy
....your google search bar history is full of CHICKENS, CHICKENS, and more CHICKENS. can't stop talking about them!
....when you talk to your chickens.
....when you love to snuggle with them!
....when their smell is a long lost problem, their personalities make up for that!!!
....when you know every single one of their personalities.
....when your christmas list is full of chickens, treats for your chickens, and toys for your chickens!
when you ask your mom if they can live in your room during the winter
you knit a cape for your chickens along with a matching scarf
you absolutly love chickens

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