(FINISHED) New coop! FL, tin roof, bantam tractor, Christmas lights, pictures!

Thanks everyone!! GO GATORS!!

We have some more work done, no additional painting. The eventual color scheme will be barn red and white with black or brass hinges, not sure yet.

Got the floor, interior wall and side wall cut and fitted. Since it is Florida, we will be adding some holes with hardware cloth for additional ventilation if they need it, which they probably will. The roof, later, will have built in ventilation.

Another angle...

And one of the ladies checkin' out her new digs.

Hoping to have the rest of the hen house cut, fitted, and painted by the end of the week!
Latest on the coop: Fully painted, hardware cloth on, and roof slats painted and attached. That is the ramp leaning against the run.

Today: Attach the rest of the hardware cloth, Attach the roof, attach the human door and the coop door!


Oh, and a suprise under the roof ;)

99.9% done!

It is done without trim, which we plan to add in the next few weeks. No rush on it though.

Finished product photos and some photos of the ladies checking it out!


Thanks for looking! I'll update when I have the trim on :)
Oh, and we're adding a roost soon, don't worry!​
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I would remove the dangling Christmas lights. They are cute, but the hens will jump at them and could break a bulb or create a short pecking the cord. No need to start a fire in that cute coop. You will find here in Florida they need LOTS of ventalation because of our heat.

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