Firearms in States/Provinces/Countries where they are outlawed....

The law is mostly the same here in NC, no permit is required to carry openly. I let my concealed carry expire because it was to much of PIA. The firearms that I carried could not be hidden without looking like a bum in sloppy clothes. So I started to carry open and I prefer it, I get some stares but most people do not even bat an eye. Hopefully just the sight of an armed citizen has prevented crimes, but that is hard to know for sure. Just a few days ago a man killed his ex girlfriend in a Target store. It always is the case that nobody is armed when these incidents happen.
Okay I said I'd stay out but I would like to be enlightened as to why you would never consider protecting you and yours IF/WHEN the need arises. MOST people are good. It only takes one or two deranged crackpots to cause great harm. And they live in Canada and England and.......on and on. Why is the thought process of being prepared ....bad?? The police are the LAST RESORT. By the time they could arrive it would be way too late.

Most people in Canada don't think that they will be randomly targeted or attacked. I am not saying anybody is right or wrong, its just different cultures, different mindset. But don't mistake that for a weakness.
Considering the size of our country our crime stats are pretty low.

I think the consensus is if the ganster wanna be's just shoot each other it saves the tax payers lengthly court costs.
Firearms in Canada are not outlawed but they are registered. Well, they are supposed to be registered, not all are.
My husband and I also have ccw permits. I concur with all the pro gun ideas. For me it is for my personal safety. I can't out run or out fight anyone, so need to make the playing field more even. I especially wanted to be able to have a gun in the car(which is considered concealed unless it's laying out on the seat) I drive a lot of back roads to and from. It could be awhile that I could be stranded in a remote area. I feel better knowing I can protect myself.
The course we took was very informative. Can you believe you're not allowed to shoot someone who is in your house stealing your belongings?
What it boils down to is why should it be the gvts place to say?
Guns cause crime and people to kill like forks made Rosy O'Donnell get fat. Where guns are outlawed only outlaws have guns. That may sound cliché but it’s fact.

The law is mostly the same here in NC, no permit is required to carry openly. I let my concealed carry expire because it was to much of PIA. The firearms that I carried could not be hidden without looking like a bum in sloppy clothes. So I started to carry open and I prefer it, I get some stares but most people do not even bat an eye. Hopefully just the sight of an armed citizen has prevented crimes, but that is hard to know for sure. Just a few days ago a man killed his ex girlfriend in a Target store. It always is the case that nobody is armed when these incidents happen.

Same laws apply here in LA.
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In Idaho you just have to fill out a few papers if you buy a gun at a business an then whom ever sells the gun to you calls the ATF to see if you qualify. There is no waiting period! My husband shoots in small bore .22 competition. And he has been Idaho state champion 4 or 5 times. He's very good at it!
there is a book called the Traveler's Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States. It is very informative on which states are more pro gun ownership! You can use it to see which states allow concealed carry or will except your out of state concealed carry permit. Every state is rated on a graph of 100% being total freedom and 0% total prohibition.
Idaho is rated at 89% not the greatest but Washington D.C. Is like 3%! Wow don't ever want to go there!
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washington state is an open carry state as well though it must be unloaded prior to you entering a motor vehicle as that is then considered to be concealed (weird I know) and though I have my concealed weapons permit as does my wife most times I choose to open carry and have not yet been harrassed or otherwise but then again as a wise man once said(believe it was Mark Twain) armed society is a polite society
be safe all
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Most of the people around here who want to carry guns are the only reason I'm thinking about carrying one myself. I've never felt a need but there's a lot of social agitation going on and since I fit into a few different minority groups that are prone to harassment and violence, it's been on my mind lately.

Guns aren't tough to get here, but I honestly haven't looked into getting a concealed carry permit.
There's a waiting period down here... and I think that makes sense...

So that if you're in a murdering mood you have three days to cool off before you're handed a gun.

Doesn't do squat for the ones who already HAVE a gun... but I can understand how that could prevent harm.
AND if you know you're going hunting, etc. odds are you know more than three days out so I don't see it as a huge thing.

But that's me, many folks get really bent out of shape about it.

To get a CHL, concealed handgun license, so you can carry in your purse for instance you have to take a safety training class.
I like the idea of the class, honestly, think of how many toes couldv'e been saved if everyone had at least a 15 minute course.
But again, MANY get their knickers in a twist about it.

Should we ever decide to get a gun I'd take the CHL class just for safety's sake, whether I chose to carry concealed or not.

And I like the Springfield XD... love that they add a grip safety... so if your hand isn't big enough (child) to grip it and pull the trigger than the trigger won't fire... not to mention the trigger design... indicators... etc.

But, even with those things I'm still hesitant to have a projectile weapon in the house... it's just too darned easy to (accidentally or on purpose) kill with a gun... it's a lot harder to kill with a sword, flail, dagger, etc.

As far as gun control goes I like the motto "If guns kill people, do pencils mispell words?"
If you want to stop gun crime then get the criminals off the streets, quit letting them back out!

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