Firearms in States/Provinces/Countries where they are outlawed....

So, just for clarification, do you mean no questions asked, no permits, no waiting period, no requirements and no restrictions?
Anyone can walk into a store, maybe show an ID, and buy any kind of firearm they want to have?

What you think criminals show an ID before they buy a gun? Well at least there would be a paper trail and maybe they wouldn't be stealing them. And it used to be that way about 50 or 60 years ago and crime was WAY LOWER than what it is today.

Punish people for committing crimes not owning objects that could be used in a crime. It's gonna get real hard to cut a steak when they get around to outlawing our knives too. Wonder what nanny laws will do with a sport of baseball when bats are outlawed. And some people wonder why there are so many stupid chicken laws.

Or what you read. Propaganda, agenda or control?

I don't understand when it is said you have to have guns so you don't let your guard down and you must protect yourself.
I'm not being sarcastic, I just don't understand.

Protect yourself from whom?
Or what you read. Propaganda, agenda or control?

I don't understand when it is said you have to have guns so you don't let your guard down and you must protect yourself.
I'm not being sarcastic, I just don't understand.

Protect yourself from whom?

I don't understand when Canadians are concerned about how we do things in the States. Not being sarcastic but I don't see how it is any of Canada's business. Do Canadians like it when an outsider tries to tell them how to run their country? Through out history we have been enemies with our allies and allies with our enemies. Maybe we need our guns for an invasion, maybe not, again not really Canada's concern.
Or what you read. Propaganda, agenda or control?

I don't understand when it is said you have to have guns so you don't let your guard down and you must protect yourself.
I'm not being sarcastic, I just don't understand.

Protect yourself from whom?

I don't understand when Canadians are concerned about how we do things in the States. Not being sarcastic but I don't see how it is any of Canada's business. Do Canadians like it when an outsider tries to tell them how to run their country? Through out history we have been enemies with our allies and allies with our enemies. Maybe we need our guns for an invasion, maybe not, again not really Canada's concern.

I don't understand when Americans are concerned about how we do things in Canada. Not being sarcastic but I don't see how it is any of America's business. Do American's like it when an outsider tries to tell them how to run their country? Maybe we don't have guns to feel secure in our homes, again not really America's concern.

Walkingwolf, I don't think we have attacked your system, but you have been very combative about our system.
Within a couple of miles from my place, some thugs broke into a randomly-chosen home and slaughtered the woman who lived there and maimed her daughter. Even if she had called 911 at the first hint of trouble, it is very unlikely the police would have gotten there before she had been hurt. This is a nice area, no reason to expect trouble, but it happened anyhow. It is a sad commentary on our society, but the strong victimize the weak. I may be weak, but I will not be a victim. Having a gun and being responsibly trained in its use allows me to even the odds.
Walkingwolf, I don't think we have attacked your system, but you have been very combative about our system.

That is your constitution not Canada's. We think different, we are raised different. We live a more relaxed life. Freedom hasn't been taken away from us. Actually we probably have more freedom because we don't live in fear of "what if". There isn't any security code yellow, orange or red. The general population doesn't feel threatened by any country or radical group.

As you wonder why we don't feel the need to be armed for what might happen, Canadians don't understand why you feel the need to be armed at the Mall, Walmart or a restaurant etc.? It is sort of polar opposite thinking.
Those don't sound like attacks to me, just pointing out contrasts.
Those don't sound like attacks to me, just pointing out contrasts.

And all has been responded back is the same type of "contrasts"
I was not sure if I was going to comment on this but I feel I have to, I did not own a gun for many years for the main reason I had my kids friends coming over and did not want to have to worry about guns in the house I now own a gun and I am glad that I do, I am planning on adding to my collection, but to the person who told a victim of domestic violence to have the police help that is a joke the police might agree to do a drive by sometime at night but they won't do anything unless you call them and then it takes a while for them to get there, I for one am not waiting for the police to protect myself or my family I will protect them myself. I am not sure what the rules are in Canada and I really don't care not my country. but if they try to take my right away I am going to fight it. my right.
live in fear of "what if"

That is a direct quote from many Washington DC citizens, where I lived and worked for years.
Not my own words I just repeated them.

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