First Aid Kit

While i was setting eggs i talked to two other owners that are npip. Both have been told use of any banned drug will get npip pulled period. Was also informed they dint have to have proof you have used it at all. Having a banned drug on premises is enough to get your npip pulled. I'm not trying to be an ahole but if i was you id delete anything off the forum having to do with using baytril at all. I know for a fact fish and game agent patrol this forum. If they do it you know feds do too. Their inspector checks their drug supplies each time he is there. 

I think that prescribing veterinarians might be at risk, too. I've been told that some will not give/prescribe Baytril to anyone with poultry.
Robert we went over the reasons a page or two ago man, now we on to npip certs being pulled for said banned drugs including baytril
dang. I'm getting too old.

Hmmm. Funny thing is o have been trying to get rid of an extreme sinus infection. I have had 2 full bottles of Cipro and it has done nothing. I am going Monday to get a stronger antiboitic. I haven't used baytril. This is the first I've heard of it BUT I have been eating farm raised chickens for years. Lol. Might be something to this. Oh well there are many other meds on the market for me as well as for poultry :)
Hmmm. Funny thing is o have been trying to get rid of an extreme sinus infection. I have had 2 full bottles of Cipro and it has done nothing. I am going Monday to get a stronger antiboitic. I haven't used baytril. This is the first I've heard of it BUT I have been eating farm raised chickens for years. Lol. Might be something to this. Oh well there are many other meds on the market for me as well as for poultry
Curiously, did your doctors do a culture and sensitivity test for your sinus infection? Hope you feel better soon!
No. Where I live sinus infection is the catch all I have never heard of so many people at the same time being diagnosed with a sinus infection. this has been going on for months... as my Mom says " Doctors are just 'Practicing' medicine"
This guy is not just a "testing" agent. He is a little more than that. ;) I just sent an email to the person that I know will know. He won't get it until Monday. I will let you all know what he says. I always like to read the Do's and Don'ts. I like to have something I can reference back to.

The guy that does the mandatory flock testing for the reportable diseases in our area is an actual Doctor. When I was talking to him about the issues at the feed store, he knew all about which drugs were banned and why. If you guys don't find anything, I'll give him a call.

Same here. We don't have "just testers". They are VETS. The state vet does my annual testing.

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