First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Congrats on the showgirl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had two showgirl eggs in lockdown, the second has the top of it's head out. I had to move it quickly to the second hatcher, the two chicks in the first were picking the membrane and making it bleed. Both chicks appear to be vaulted (from what I've read, they are my first) and the first chick that is out and dry has a bowtie.

Cute, cute, cute.

I'll try to take pictures later when I wake up from the sedative.

Hey, Peeps! I have a question. Will turkey hens use a nest box inside like chicken do? What size and configuration will a turkey need in a nest box. Open, concealed, low ceiling, high ceiling, shavings, hay, what?
Hey, Peeps! I have a question. Will turkey hens use a nest box inside like chicken do? What size and configuration will a turkey need in a nest box. Open, concealed, low ceiling, high ceiling, shavings, hay, what?
Mine all use the plastic "milk crate" type bins from Walmart.. from their office supply section.. it's a tight fit for the biggest hens.. but they love them

i used the plastic zip ties to attach them to the inside of the hoop coop (onto the cattle panel)
at one time I gave them pine shavings.. but they have scratched them out and mixed them with the mulch we have in the coop... so mine aren't picky about the bedding material
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OMG - I'm hatching Turkey eggs because I got sucked into this by some pretty persuasive enablers, and now somebody asks about NEST BOXES for the hens! AAAUUGGGH!!!

I'm just trying to get these eggs to hatch - what an idea to drop into my brain right now: not all turkeys are toms, DUH, which means some turkey poults could be hens, and they're gonna grow up! And lay eggs!

My goodness, why had I not thought this through??!?!?!
CRS = Can't remember "stuff"

What's wrong with that? That's where mine is!

Got back home from my errands to one poult out. It looks like it is a blue slate or blue slate cross. The other egg that was pipped this morning is almost zipped all the way. That one is a Lurkey/Tom egg (BR). No other pips yet. Now I gotta go do some chores then homework. Congrats on all the hatching going on!!!!!!
OMG - I'm hatching Turkey eggs because I got sucked into this by some pretty persuasive enablers, and now somebody asks about NEST BOXES for the hens! AAAUUGGGH!!!

I'm just trying to get these eggs to hatch - what an idea to drop into my brain right now: not all turkeys are toms, DUH, which means some turkey poults could be hens, and they're gonna grow up! And lay eggs!

My goodness, why had I not thought this through??!?!?!
Linda if you have a nest box that is fairly large that the chickens use, then turkey hens will use it too. I don't have a special nest for Lurkey, she lays in the bigger nest box I have for the chickens. In fact, poor girl, usually winds up with a dark Brahma girl on top of her when she is laying because the box doesn't have a top and the Brahma likes that nest to lay in. No panicing allowed at least not yet.

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