First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Who was the seller from Iowa??
Oops! I guess I lied the seller is sfleet1 from Hilsboro, IL. Sorry.
All those states East of me look the same to me
Who was the seller from Iowa?? I do love my RP hen, though she is going to have a short life if she insists on hopping the fence to lay. She's got a nest somewhere out in the neighbors field and if she decides to brood out there I don't know if I'll be able to find her.

I recieved 8 turkeys as part of a mixed auction on BYC and got 5 to hatch - the black tom and the RP are from them. That's a better average than my record with shipped chicken eggs

When Guinevere fnally set on her eggs she had 18 collected so some of them were quite old. When I candled at a week the development was over 90%, so I think older eggs should still be OK of they are taken care of. I hope so at least, some of mine going in will be 3 weeks old or more

I had 14 out of 19 shipped eggs hatch..
out of my test eggs for my turkeys I'm showing 100% fertility and development so far...
I have a few turkey eggs which the shells have a pink hue.. not sure which hen is laying them.. but if I set any I'll use them
My Royal Palm Lay pink with purple polka dot eggs. The Bourbon Red's are more rust colored. I don't know if this helps.
I had 14 out of 19 shipped eggs hatch..
out of my test eggs for my turkeys I'm showing 100% fertility and development so far...
I have a few turkey eggs which the shells have a pink hue.. not sure which hen is laying them.. but if I set any I'll use them
I have a trash can I can put it!!!! DIdn't find the time afte rall to build a nest box. WIll scout out craft or wooden eggs. Thank you for the tips!!

We think a like--- I figured maybe the girls needed a secure home with a clean, ample sized nest box just for the 3 girls and the tom. Guess it means I need to build an enclosed run, too.

Survival of the chicks/poults is a numbers game; birds that have a lot of young do so because the mortality rate is high. And combine that with hens that are not parent material . . . . so I'll be brooding mine so the hens can keep laying.

THis shows that you care!!! After set you are sure to breath easier.

I have 7 still hanging around from last summer!! We enjoy their anitics. THey are so NOT related to chickens!

Quote: Clip a wing?? I clipped one wing on each of my muscovy and they stay earthbound, until next molt.
Who was the seller from Iowa??
Oops! I guess I lied the seller is sfleet1 from Hilsboro, IL. Sorry.
All those states East of me look the same to me


Clip a wing?? I clipped one wing on each of my muscovy and they stay earthbound, until next molt.

I could I suppose, but then how would she roost? My real question is, if she is flying out, how come she can't fly back in??
Clip a wing?? I clipped one wing on each of my muscovy and they stay earthbound, until next molt.

I could I suppose, but then how would she roost? My real question is, if she is flying out, how come she can't fly back in??

While there is truth to that question, I grounded my muscovy because they were roosting 15 feet up, in the open, where a hawk could grab one. I built the 3 a coop (DH did) and in they go every night, march right in.

THese creature sure keep the little gray cells active!!

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