First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

I got my first grey hair when I started dating my ex......does that count?

I got my first gray when I married my husband! Now you have me scared!
Ennis they will be fine to wait until Sunday to set. Just gently turn them a couple of times a day like you would any shipped chicken egg. You don't have to hurry and get them in the incubator.
Since I got all shipped eggs for the Easter Hatch, I thought about some of my ring-neck pheasants, but the "guy" at the feed store said they would be too small and the turkeys would accidentally kill them. I wouldn't think they would be much smaller than Silkies. Did you have any problems? He also said turkeys and chicks needed different feed, so what do you feed that accommodates both?
I think my silkies were a week or two old when I got my turkeys, they got along fine. Maybe set your pheasants so they hatch out a week before the turkeys? I fed them all game bird starter. Like others have said, the higher protein won't hurt the chicks. I think pheasant chicks are real tiny. Silkies are golf ball size.
I'm with you SCG, how can you possibly panic BEFORE the eggs are even set? I think we need to tell Ennis the story of Linda's TJ roo.
Why the panic?

Because I imagine the eggs are gonna be old by the time they set, and I worry 'bout the poor little buggers
And it is just in my nature I suppose

I'm with you SCG, how can you possibly panic BEFORE the eggs are even set? I think we need to tell Ennis the story of Linda's TJ roo.

In my defense I haven't freaked out too much in the Easter hatch (online anyway) I'll bite, what's the story of Linda's TJ roo?

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