First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter


Very good. I don't have a problem with hatching more chicks, it's just that I don't have the room for'em and am working on that.

BTW Jess, love your property and future turkey pen!! How much snow do you get up there? I spent two winters in ND and don't ever want to do that again! LOL!

this last winter wasn't too bad we only had about 2 feet at most at any one time. The year before however we had about 4 feet all winter. Funny watching the kids sink to their waist playing in the snow!
Great deal!! Are you planning on covering, or do you think the height will keep them in? When you finish up in Utah, you can just swing on over to Oregon. OK???

I am going to cover it. I had turkeys a couple years ago and they can fly quite well. Unless you have the double breasted variety and those don't do well after 6 to 8 months because of the extreme weight they put on. I am also a lot closer to you than that I am in western MT. Kalispell actually. I'll see what I can do about coming over.
OOOOH! I'm accidentally in...and I didn't even know about it until just now! I put 5 White Broadbreasted Turkey eggs in the 'bator Easter Sunday-just because my Polish babies were ready to move out...and I have several more eggs ready to go. YAY! I've never tried to hatch turkey eggs before, so I'm thrilled to join in!

Hooray! Where'd you get the BB White eggs? I thought they couldn't breed naturally.
SCG you got any ideas about this?

She thinks day 1 through day 28 are the best time to candle turkey eggs.

So when is the best time to candle turkey eggs? Are they easy to see through?

I was actually going to respond to this before D called me out... yes, they are very easy to see through (trust me LOL) and I would NOT recommend candling (to see anything) on days 0, 1, 2 or 3. I'll tell you about day 4 in just a few minutes.
Wisher, if you don't have an idea for a contest, we will come up with something. For everyone setting later, no worries. I think Linda might be the last person to set as she had set her "Easter" hatch eggs a little later so she still had chicks hatching and turkey eggs arriving. Jess that turkey pen is awesome. I would like to order one just like that. Want to come to Utah for a week or so?

If you're taking orders for pens like that, or are planning a road trip, I want one, too! Can you go to Utah by way of Alabama? I will provide the materials, room and board, and all the sweet tea you can drink!
OOOOH! I'm accidentally in...and I didn't even know about it until just now! I put 5 White Broadbreasted Turkey eggs in the 'bator Easter Sunday-just because my Polish babies were ready to move out...and I have several more eggs ready to go. YAY! I've never tried to hatch turkey eggs before, so I'm thrilled to join in!

Welcome, Atlchick! I hope the insanity is not too much for you! We are a rather colorful bunch, at least judging by the straight jackets!

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