First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

You are sooooo my Mommy
Every Year on her Birthday we would ask her how old she was and she would say 36
Then when we would ask her what year she was born in you would see her fingers twitching while she tried to figure it out

I have a sister who was 29 for a while, then 35 for a few years, now she's 39. And yet she's actually older than me.

My hubby really doesn't want any peacocks because of their noise level soooooo I plan on hatching the turkeys then try to reason with him that at least they aren't peacocks

I have peas, and only the eldest male makes noise, and only during mating season unless he's startled.

When I picked up my eggs from Denny (lotsapaints), she told me she finds the incubation on turkeys to be more like 27 days.

As far as age (three+ decades past 25 here), I've always said, if you're going to lie about your age, say you're older. People will look and say, "You look great, you don't look anywhere near ___". If you lie and say you are younger, they are going to think "What the h__l happened to them?"



That's been my theory for years! Actually yesterday I was trying to figure it out, because I always add 5. Same thing- I look DANG good for my age, and my 'older' sister looks really rough around the edges. She's saying 39 at 44, I'm saying 46 at 41!!

Question for chooks chick and any one with LG experience,

I put two thermometers side by side on the egg carton center nesled between the two rows of eggs. The fish tank thermometer reads 100. The human thermometer reads 102.4--this reads and holds the highest temperature. Is spiking temps normal for the LG?

Yes, because it has two settings on its heating coil: on and off. If the temp takes a bit to stabilize, it will jump in air temps quite a bit, but that doesn't mean that the internal temps of the egg are that high.

I always candle on day 0.. especially for shipped eggs.. it's the best way to tell if there are any hairline cracks that need to be tended to

Excellent story! Mind if I use it?

Can we get a discount on a bulk order of straight jackets?

I have several for various occasions in my closet. So do I. And me!
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Well I have been pretty darn busy this weekend with the "Honey Do" list so I have sporadically been looking at posts here. I did however take some "personal time" cleaned my bator and set in the new batch. I set 12 goose eggs(set last Wednesday just transferred them), 10 duck eggs (from my rescued ducks) and 17 turkey eggs( 12 from my BYC best friend and 5 from ebay). I hope this hatch goes much better than the last hatch I had though. I was really disappointed in that one had a crap ton of quitters and not sure why!
Such a nice well behaved flock. It would take a lot more pictures and a few diagrams to show my evening round up!

You mean a chart like this?

I have several for various occasions in my closet. So do I. And me!

And you are all feeling much better now, right?

Renee, I do have one question. Would a mahogany colored chick have come from one of the Konza eggs? I have a chick that is this color mainly on it's head and neck the rest of the body seems to be a dark grey but with some mahogany mixed in. I figure it had to have come from one of your eggs since I have never hatched anything like that from my "stock"
Renee's "collection"

See SCG we can find them in any color you want. We can even color coordinate shoes to go with!
Wow you all are dangerous no way am I getting into a camo straight jacket
even if that's my color...I just got done setting 24 of my turkey eggs so now the wait to candle. To me turkey eggs are deceiving so I might take a peek at them in a week but I don't toss any until 10 days they are slower to develop so unless they weep or stink they stay in there nice and warm.
Very much like that! Especially the zig zag lines back in and forth as I try to get the last few stupid ones to remember where the coop door is. I feel like a cutting horse with some of those young roosters!

That is EXACTLY why the zig zags are there

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