First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Quote: Crazy isn't strong enought!
Didn't they do ANY research before beginning the project?!

I still have 4 nests being rotated under 6 hens and 1 turkey who shares the basket with another Iowa Blue. The turkey isn't very committed though and about every other night I find her in the rafters. The IaB doesn't seem to mind though. They have 6 turkeys and 10 chicken eggs so I may snag the chicken eggs to put under the other IaB and see how the partnership does raising the poults. I have the best luck with 2 hens sharing a batch of chicks. The Cochin hens are great for this since they get along with each other so well.
I've never had any even try and share a nest box, let alone a brood. Guess my girls are just too selfish to share!!

lol.. this little "turkey" isn't going to wait til the weekend

Nope, it's ready to make an entrance!! Is that your turkey tutor?!

I got called by CrazyNeighborLady today (while I was at work - a pet peeve of mine, no matter how many times I tell her I work, and only call me if there's an emergency like my house is on fire or there's chickens in your yard, etc) - her kids kindergarten teacher was apparently trying to hatch some chick for the class, and they didn't hatch. 20 questions later and they're only on day 12.
On my last hatch, when I was on day 3, I looked up from the incubator with my best worried face and told DH, "I'm not hearing any peeping yet". For a second he took me seriously and asked "Should you be?"

LOL! Sorry, but I always thought you were a HE chicken. That's what you get when you assume.......

I candled my batch and pulled 6 (aren't y'all proud? Last batch I didn't pull any, even though none hatched!) I left 10 that I put in late or looked like they needed more time in the turner but took out all but 2 rails. The other six I laid on the bottom on their sides. I only saw movement in 3, but I didn't look too hard. I didn't want to keep them out too long. I will be thrilled if I get three as they will be my first hatch! I still have 20 under the broody BO and they are due to hatch Tuesday.
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I got called by CrazyNeighborLady today (while I was at work - a pet peeve of mine, no matter how many times I tell her I work, and only call me if there's an emergency like my house is on fire or there's chickens in your yard, etc) - her kids kindergarten teacher was apparently trying to hatch some chick for the class, and they didn't hatch. 20 questions later and they're only on day 12.
OMG! That's right! You are officially retired!!

MIL retired end of Dec at the age of 75 and a month or two later found a part time job!
Guess you found your part time job staring at the incubator! LOL
I DO like surprises!

That would be terrible! There are some jerks out there for sure. Most of the postal transport system isn't even handled by them. All outsourced to contracted carriers including FedEx and UPS. Even so I agree we have to pack for the worse case scenario.

Such broody dilemmas going on at my house. I have an IaB that's been sitting for 2 months. Her first batch went bad and I just had to toss the last egg of her second batch. I tried to give her a chick from another hatch but found it dead when I got home from work the next day obviously having been pushed or fallen out. She was angrily guarding fresh eggs despite being skin and bones. I'm going to try to give her some eggs a little closer to hatch and see if that will work. I settled in the SPP Rocks I got in the mail and added 12 chicks from 5 different cages in a flurry of angry hens and crying babies. Kind of sad to do it, but I'm just not set up to house 5 separate little families this time of year.

I still have 4 nests being rotated under 6 hens and 1 turkey who shares the basket with another Iowa Blue. The turkey isn't very committed though and about every other night I find her in the rafters. The IaB doesn't seem to mind though. They have 6 turkeys and 10 chicken eggs so I may snag the chicken eggs to put under the other IaB and see how the partnership does raising the poults. I have the best luck with 2 hens sharing a batch of chicks. The Cochin hens are great for this since they get along with each other so well.

Whenever I have broodies sharing a nest half of the eggs end up broken from them trying to steal each others.

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