First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

The shell color is unbelievably gorgeous!
The shell color is unbelievably gorgeous!
most are that color.. but I have also seen some that were a pale blue .. sometimes when the emu lays the egg it gets an additional coating which will change the colors.

as it is they have three basic layers, the outer layer can be anything from a deep hunter or emerald green to almost black.. the middle layer is a turquoise/blue color and the inside layer is a bright .. so they are nice for carving.. and depending on how deeply you carve the middle layer it has about 7 different shades of turquoise/blue
I put my eggs into lock down tonight. 25 out of the original 28 appeared to have made it- 5 bourbon red, 5 black winged bronze and 15 standard bronze. I am following Porter's directions- day 24 put them into lock down - turn down the heat and crank up the humidity. I am waiting for things to stabilize and see if I need to adjust anything.
How much do you turn down the heat? (And is the humidity just turned up to hatching humidity for chickens or are you looking for higher/lower than that?)

This is from Porter's website---

"You will now need to decrease your temp. down to 98.0 - 98.5 degrees and also increase the humidity by adding water, and you want the humidity to be at least 80% and if you can get it higher it will make an easier hatch for the poults as it will help to soften the shell."
Yaaaa on the emu egg! I'd have to tighten the sleeves on my straight jacket to keep my hands off from helping.

Maybe the teacher and CrazyNeighborLady are both dyslectic . . . you know 21 / 12 . . . same numbers.
Or maybe they're hatching them at 200*. Wouldn't they hatch twice as fast ???
Locked mine down last night too, I guess no more candling. I've been remiss on my candling the past few days, too much to do lately, both at work and at home.

Can't wait for something to hatch though, I've had that poor lonely silkie for a few days now. I try to take him or her out daily, and yesterday was the first day that the chick rebelled. It would not sit still in my hands, and actually got out for a few minutes. One of the cats decided to investigate and that cute little silkie chick pecked Squeeky's face. It was hilarious.

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