First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

I have an escape artist turkey. Was out twice already today. That's my litmus test for removing their heat lamp and closing the brooder lid.
We have been having escapes for the last couple of days. I kept meaning to put a cover on the brooder but didn't get around to it. Yesterday DH and I went out for the day and when we came back there was evidence that one had gotten out while we were gone (trail of poops on the floor). After searching for about ten minutes we found the silly poult all the way in our bedroom closet snuggled up in DH's shoe. The cover is now on the brooder and DH tossed the pair of shoes. I told him to just toss them in the washer but nooooooo, they had to go.
The poults are flying really well already.
After searching for about ten minutes we found the silly poult all the way in our bedroom closet snuggled up in DH's shoe. DH tossed the pair of shoes. I told him to just toss them in the washer but nooooooo, they had to go.
Now, that is funny! How long have you two been together? You would think a little bird poop wouldn't be such a big deal to him by now!
Hi everyone! I've been out of town so I am now catching up! I left my turkeys and tutors in the care of a friend and all fared well. I can't believe how big they got in the week I was gone!
I will get some pics of them tomorrow. My friend said she had heard that poults were hard to raise and was surprised that she didn't have any problems. I told her she should consider getting some
! She loved having the Eco Glow for them and commented on how great it was and how much they seemed to enjoy nestling down under it at night and climbing on it during the day! The added benefit of no light was the icing on the cake she said. I have to agree!! They are getting so big that I am going to need to move them to something larger than the dog kennel they are in. I hesitate to move them to anywhere outside since I've heard to keep them "off the ground" for 6 weeks. I had them on paper towels until they went to my friend's house. She has soil that is sand........I mean just sand.....and she lives a few miles from me......I have clay covered by topsoil at my house. She collected at bucket of warm, dry sand that she has in a pile and we used it for bedding the dog crate for them. They thrived there so I decided to try it. I remember Steve of SandS Poultry mentioning that they brood turkey poults on sand so I thought why not?! We moved them to a cardboard box for the ride home and emptied the used sand at her house. I brought home a 5 gallon bucket of sand and refilled the dog crate and they settled right in. I'm thinking I will be going back over and getting some more sand so I have enough to last until they are old enough to be outside.

Where are the pics of the poults from this Turkeython?!
Love the sand idea--using what is loclly available solution. I brood mine, when I have poults, on shavings from a local cabinet maker shop.

I think poults are easily chilled, though I suspect chicks would fare no better on dirt as dirt can be cold and steal their heat. I enjoy having them in the house and can keep an eye on them.

I died laughing that your DH felt the need to throw out his shoes!!
We have been having escapes for the last couple of days. I kept meaning to put a cover on the brooder but didn't get around to it. Yesterday DH and I went out for the day and when we came back there was evidence that one had gotten out while we were gone (trail of poops on the floor). After searching for about ten minutes we found the silly poult all the way in our bedroom closet snuggled up in DH's shoe. The cover is now on the brooder and DH tossed the pair of shoes. I told him to just toss them in the washer but nooooooo, they had to go.
The poults are flying really well already.

I know exactly what you mean by the trail of poops. I could tell exactly the path my little one took, both times. It roosted for at time on a ladder.
I was just reading and found Speckled hen recommended this for pain. 2 baby aspirin twice a day or 1/4 tab adult aspirin twice a day.

I personally have no knowledge about aspirin and chickens but it would sure help with the pain and swelling.

You are going to have to get her to drink at least. It may take a week or more for her to want to eat and drink on her own but you have to keep her hydrated. If you have a small syringe you could squeeze a small amount into the corner of her beak (careful not to get too much or into her nose) several times a day. My roo wouldn't eat anything but soft scrambled eggs the whole time he was recouperating. I think he knew he could hold out and get the good stuf

You guys are awesome! I can't tell you how much better I feel that we're taking the right steps to help her after reading everyone's suggestions, it's hard to proceed with confidence when you've never treated an injury like this, you all have made it so much easier, thank you! When I checked on her this morning, she was in the same place as last night and I was worried for a minute but she immediately started moving and hissing at me. I have a rabbit type waterer hanging on the cage along with a water dish in the cage both have aspirin and vitamins/electrolytes in them, she actually started drinking after she settled down from me startling her, she also pooped while I was out there... so maybe she started eating and drinking after we cleaned her up yesterday. I'm trying to leave her alone as much as possible since my presence seems to upset her but I do sit next to her cage at least once a day and talk to her in a soothing voice explaining that we're trying to help then I jut sit there for a bit so hopefully she doesn't only associate me with a negative experience. I am really impressed by her resilience, when I first saw her injury I thought for sure it was too bad for her to heal, other then her torn up leg she seems totally normal, still very alert. Thank you again!

One of our poults from this hatch is already walking around 'displaying" like our big toms, it's hysterical to watch, of course I never have the camera ready when he's doing it, hopefully I'll capture it soon
You guys are awesome! I can't tell you how much better I feel that we're taking the right steps to help her after reading everyone's suggestions, it's hard to proceed with confidence when you've never treated an injury like this, you all have made it so much easier, thank you! When I checked on her this morning, she was in the same place as last night and I was worried for a minute but she immediately started moving and hissing at me. I have a rabbit type waterer hanging on the cage along with a water dish in the cage both have aspirin and vitamins/electrolytes in them, she actually started drinking after she settled down from me startling her, she also pooped while I was out there... so maybe she started eating and drinking after we cleaned her up yesterday. I'm trying to leave her alone as much as possible since my presence seems to upset her but I do sit next to her cage at least once a day and talk to her in a soothing voice explaining that we're trying to help then I jut sit there for a bit so hopefully she doesn't only associate me with a negative experience. I am really impressed by her resilience, when I first saw her injury I thought for sure it was too bad for her to heal, other then her torn up leg she seems totally normal, still very alert. Thank you again!

One of our poults from this hatch is already walking around 'displaying" like our big toms, it's hysterical to watch, of course I never have the camera ready when he's doing it, hopefully I'll capture it soon

IT is great to monitor her food intake and water intake, perhaps keep a journal so you can see if she increases intake or decreases intake. If she is drinking less than normal, she maybe getting less of the aspirin/electrolytes/vitamins than you intended.

As promised....some poult pics!!

Here is an Icelandic tutor and Bourbon Red poult...

Some BR poults enjoying climbing on the Eco Glow...

One curious poult trying to decide whether or not to "take the leap" out the door.....the crate is on top of my Farm Master cabinet incubator so the drop is over 3 feet..........I'm happy to say it chose to stay put!!

One of our poults from this hatch is already walking around 'displaying" like our big toms, it's hysterical to watch, of course I never have the camera ready when he's doing it, hopefully I'll capture it soon
I hope you get a pic of this........I'd love to see it!
Do you suppose a Sultan could raise poults? I have a broody Sultan right now and I'm wondering if I put a couple of poults under her at night, if she might accept and raise them?
Now, that is funny! How long have you two been together? You would think a little bird poop wouldn't be such a big deal to him by now!
Wisher, we have been together for 11 years now. We have only had the chickens for two but he had two sons with his first wife so you would think he would realize that poo washes off. In fact I know he knows this since last Friday he was cleaning the horse pens for me and fell. It had been raining in the morning and the soil out here is basically dried clay so when it gets wet it gets slippery. He went down in a mess of poo and mud in one of the pens. He of course took a shower after he was done so he really should have been able to put the two thoughts together.

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