first blue egg from a columbine

yes, will do tomorrow, can't take picture yet as it is night here at the moment in UK.

She basically looks very similar to a legbar. (she's a legbar x RIR if i'm not mistaken.)
This is her. A non-crested Columbine (they can be crested). 20 weeks old. Quite early fore her to lay, as they are generally estimated to lay at around 24 weeks. My other Columbine (a crested one), same age, has not started laying yet.

she was about 20 or 21 weeks. Laid for about a month and then stopped for about 2 and half months during winter (no molt). Eggs are a lot bigger now and she gives about 5 a week.

How old is yours?
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She is about 16 and a half weeks but she is a hybrid

So is mine. Columbine = Legbar Cock x RIR hen. Are you from UK, because I think the name "columbine" is only used in the UK for this cross. If your in the UK did you get yours from a place near Burton on Trent by any chance?
So is mine.  Columbine = Legbar Cock x RIR hen.   Are you from UK,  because I think the name "columbine" is only used in the UK for this cross.  If your in the UK did you get yours from a place near Burton on Trent by any chance?
Yes I am from the UK . I got my columbine from in Worchester as well as some other hybrids.

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