First Broody hen so excited!!!


11 Years
Jun 29, 2008
sevier valley,utah
My black jersey went broody for the first time. actually she is the first of my chickens to go broody. i noticed she did not come out with the rest of the chickens the other day, then the second day, then on the third day i woke up and my daughter came walking in and said theres the eggs mom and i flipped out on her and told her to take them back. they where still warm so i don't think they where out very long. so then i went to mark them today and she's still on them and puffing up at me when i get close. So what should i expect to happen ,her to do, when they hatch, any advice, suggestions ect ect. i just added some 9 week olds could that have caused her to go broody. also my older girls are quite mean to new chicks they are still trying to beat up the young ones and they have been in there about a month or so already, so what should i expect from them if any hatch, will she guard them, should i move her?
I have a broody mallard right now, so as long as the eggs are viable they should hatch in a few weeks. When they hatch observe your hen for a while and see what kind of mother she is. If she is protective over her babies and showing them food, water, and keeping them warm thats a good thing. Just make sure nobody picks on her and the babies, if you have a problem you may need to quarantine her from the flock until the chicks are big enough. If this is too much work or you don't have the space then you can brood the babies indoors. I always prefer to brood them so they are friendly
Good luck! and happy hatching

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