First chicks hatched and problem with one


May 22, 2017
Hello all! I am new here and to hen raising chicks. We had two hatch perfectly fine yesterday with no issues. They are keeping mama hen on her toes today! We had another hatch this morning and she doesn't appear "finished." I haven't seen her eyes. Is this chick viable? She is alive and I have her on a heating pad.

If not, what is the most humane way to let her go?


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It sounds like a genetic defect if this chick has no eyes. You should be able to see them. An outward physical defect often indicates internal ones as well. This chick may have other issues that will become apparent in the next few days.

The most humane and quick method of euthanizing a new baby chick is decapitation by simply applying sharp scissors to the neck.
Well, she does have eyes...they just haven't opened. She is getting more active and has been cheeping a little. I am going to give her a chance, but her eyes should have opened...right?
Squirt a little saline solution (artificial tears) over her eyes. They may have goop from the yolk on them. Run a Q-tip very gently across them as you squirt liquid over them to loosen any film.

If she keeps up with the positive development, she may be okay.
How many other young chicks would you get to keep her company? I am thinking just 2 more would be ok. If she makes it through the night I will go get a couple tomorrow.
Do you need more chicks? If not, you could either remove one from the broody tonight, or you could wait until this little one is up and running around, and then introduce her to the broody. You should know within 48 hours if the little one is on the path to "normal" or if she will need to be culled. Be sure you keep her warm enough. If you had an incubator, that would be the best and easiest way to provide a NICU environment. Otherwise, I'd aim for around 98* until she is up and running around. She could simply be a late entry to the game of life.
WE do have an incubator! I could stick her in that. She is up, but not actually walking yet. She has a sack on butt area that seems un-normal. I am pretty sure this egg was tossed into the yard and I replaced it. The broody probably knew something was wrong with her. I do not necessarily need more chickens, but can always use hens. With 6 kids, one of which eats 8 to 10 eggs a day, I can always use more layers.

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