First Columbian Rocks are Hatching!


RT Poultry n Things
10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
These are Columbian Rock eggs that were shipped by a BYC member from GA to Alaska!
They are Due to hatch on Nov 9th.
Out of the 12 eggs shipped 9 made it to lockdown (Nov 6th)
The first picture is the first to pip (on the wrong end)


Luckily I opted to lay them on their sides instead of hatching in a modified egg carton (which is what I usually do). So I believe it should be ok..... but we will see.

This one has its toes clearly sticking out of the zip! And is the second one to start Zipping early.
Neither one has made anymore progress in hours! I think the piped on the wrong end is gone.... The other one still cheeps and moves

I feel terrible, but I am trying not to open the incubator................
Sending good hatching vibes your way!

I hatched out some Bantam Columbian Rock shipped eggs this summer, and I just love them!
The one that piped the wrong end didn't make it.

The other one is finally out and has been moving the eggs all around.

There is 1 pip
the other 6 I can see nothing going on.
humidity is low so added more water (syringe & small airhose) and covered 1 vent.

I sure hope the rest hatch today!

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