First ducks!

Have fun with them!!! Any specific questions?
How exciting!! Is this your first time with ducks?
They always need enough water to dip their beak past there little nose holes so they can clean them out.
And are way way messier than chicks! Haha. But so worth it:)
Thanks guys! Yes first time with ducks! When do I need to let them hang out in the tub?
You could let them swim in some warm water at a day or two old, but make sure they aren't away from their heat lamp too long.

Is this a Rouen and a khaki?
Sure looks like it from this picture! Is the Khaki younger?

That definitely looks like it! I've heard that if the Khaki has dark feet, that she's a duck, and if they're orange, he's a drake. Might be a rumour, might not be.
It's true, just not for ducklings...

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