First Egg!! 19 Weeks Old

We can't even put this in the carton!

and this picture makes it look much smaller but these are our VERY FIRST chicken eggs!!

the chicken eggs are quite small - my perspective in this pix is really off!
I have to get a picture - this morning we got the biggest egg I've ever seen! It is bigger than my palm!
And, we sold our first dozen eggs this evening!!
Beautiful day...
I have a question, I free range my ducks and my chickens together and they sleep together in my coop. I have a welsh harlequin duck and a drake and 6 LAYING hens and a rooster and I was wondering, when will my duck start laying (they are getting their adult feather coloring now) and how will I be able to tell which one is the duck egg? and will she lay it in my yard or in the coop?
Our duckie girls started laying just before 19 weeks old. Our chickens (same age as the ducks) started at 23 weeks. Our chicken eggs are mostly brown and very much smaller than the duck eggs. The first chicken eggs we found were hidden (I still think there are some we haven't found!). The ducks lay mostly in the coop but I will still find one here and there on occasion.
Suck a great feeling, isn't it?!

These are all duck eggs - the top two eggs barely fit in an egg carton!
toooo funny!! I JUST logged on and saw your comment as my husband was asking me what I made for dessert!!
Great minds think alike!
and, for the record - my husband is the main cook in the family. I love to cook, but baking is too precise for me - but I'll give it a shot!


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