First Egg!! 19 Weeks Old


7 Years
May 30, 2012
Delaware County, NY
We just found our first duck egg!! We are over the moon right now - giddy! We're pretty sure it is from on our Blue Swedish as the others are Cayugas and we're hoping that their first few eggs will be almost black. We did the float test and the egg sank right to the bottom and layed there flat as can be!
Love this!!
and 2 others within 20 minutes of finding this one!! But, one had no shell and the other was broken open with a very soft shell. Our kid is in the yard now with binoculars watching the ducks' butts!
Hate to break it to you but of my 3 Cayuga's only was was really darker than the Pekins and it lightened up really quickly. So if they are hatchery Cayuga's then they might of have dark eggs
I think we can officially join you in your joy lol. For we too got our very first duck egg. I think it was our speckled duck and we aren't sure what kind she is. But we all are jumping up and down lol. Just amazes me every day when I go out and gather the eggs on how satisfying this is to gather my family eggs and prepare them for them knowing how healthy they are for them.
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I think we can officially join you in your joy lol. For we too got our very first duck egg. I think it was our speckled duck and we aren't sure what kind she is. But we all are jumping up and down lol. Just amazes me every day when I go out and gather the eggs on how satisfying this is to gather my family eggs and prepare them for them knowing how healthy they are for them.
I think we can officially join you in your joy lol. For we too got our very first duck egg. I think it was our speckled duck and we aren't sure what kind she is. But we all are jumping up and down lol. Just amazes me every day when I go out and gather the eggs on how satisfying this is to gather my family eggs and prepare them for them knowing how healthy they are for them.
Isn't it just awesome?! Congratulations!
and, Knightie - do you mean the eggs lightened as the laying season went on or the egg itself lightened? Either way - we're over the moon!!
I mean the eggs lightened as the season went (well actually in like two weeks the one (out of 3) that laid a grey ish egg went from grey ish to nearly the same color as my pekIn eggs (they are housed in different houses so they aren't getting mixed up (g)))

I know what u mean about being excited...I was thrilled when hey started and as each one started it was better. I've actually set some of my Cayuga/pekin cross eggs. Funny I'm more excited about the ducks than the chicken eggs!

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