First Egg Countdown


Aka: Camp out in the Critter Castle....Got it! Lol
Ah, our first egg was DEFINITELY from the leghorn. She just laid her second egg for us after throwing the golf ball that was in there out of there. LOL

It was also the first time I heard her egg song... Not as loud or for as long as I was expecting. For the most part she stayed in the coop, and she was all done singin' after a minute or so.
Happy Chooks, my barnie is almost a month younger than yours. You said I'd want to tear my hair out waiting for the Barnevelder, and you were right!
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I have an EE that hatched 2/27 and still not laying... It drives me a little batty I cant wait to find out her egg color. She is the last of the older chickens to lay and egg. I guess time will tell. Is it possible with winter coming that she may not lay til spring? Half my flock is on strike as I decided to not give them the extra light in the coop.
I have an EE that hatched 2/27 and still not laying... It drives me a little batty I cant wait to find out her egg color. She is the last of the older chickens to lay and egg. I guess time will tell. Is it possible with winter coming that she may not lay til spring? Half my flock is on strike as I decided to not give them the extra light in the coop.

Well at least I'm not the only one then!! My girls are about the same age as yours and out of 5, only 3 are laying.
I have 3 GLW, 1 RIR and 1 BSL. I know my RIR is laying, I'm pretty sure my BSL is laying so that would leave the Wyandottes. Stinkers!! Lol. I'm beginning to think that the 7 chicks I have in a brooder now, will be laying before these girls. LOLOL!!
Happy Chooks, my barnie is almost a month younger than yours. You said I'd want to tear my hair out waiting for the Barnevelder, and you were right!
Yup, that's a barnevelder for you. Their personality makes up for it though.

I have an EE that hatched 2/27 and still not laying... It drives me a little batty I cant wait to find out her egg color. She is the last of the older chickens to lay and egg. I guess time will tell. Is it possible with winter coming that she may not lay til spring? Half my flock is on strike as I decided to not give them the extra light in the coop.
Slacker. Hope she starts up for you soon. She'll lay before spring. If you see any of her tail feathers missing, she might be going through a minor molt.
Well at least I'm not the only one then!! My girls are about the same age as yours and out of 5, only 3 are laying.
I have 3 GLW, 1 RIR and 1 BSL. I know my RIR is laying, I'm pretty sure my BSL is laying so that would leave the Wyandottes. Stinkers!! Lol. I'm beginning to think that the 7 chicks I have in a brooder now, will be laying before these girls. LOLOL!!
for you too.

I have a 21 week old pure Ameraucana and a wellie that I'm anxiously awaiting eggs on as well. They'll probably start before the barnevelder.

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