First Egg Countdown

when can i xpect the eggs to get larger ? i have 2 australorps that hopefully give me large eggs
Their eggs will continue to get larger as the hens grow. Give them a couple of months to be full size. Congrats on your eggs! Isn't it fun??? Everytime I get a new egg layer is fun! I have a new one that squatted yesterday so am looking for new eggs soon!
yes its awsum finaly reaping the rewards of taking good care of them its either my ba or bsl laying cuz thats the only 4 black chics i have one white leghorn is squatting also so i guess it wont b long i have 4 rir which one is a roo but they are only 12 weeks old
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yes its awsum finaly reaping the rewards of taking good care of them its either my ba or bsl laying cuz thats the only 4 black chics i have one white leghorn is squatting also so i guess it wont b long i have 4 rir which one is a roo but they are only 12 weeks old
Can you watch the nest? I have 10 chickens laying right now and I know who lays what. They all have different shades of browns or greens or blues and the two who lay white eggs have a different egg shape. I mark each egg with their initials and the date. I eat the oldest eggs first. I also have a chart for the month and know how many each hen laid during the month. That is why I know that my Barred Rock (only 18 months old) has only laid 4 eggs all month! I see her on the nest but nothing is coming out. I will have to figure out what is going on with her. She has always been one of my top egg layers.
One of my girls pelvic bone is more then 2 finger width. I have been keeping them locked up til 10am before letting them out, then they free range til they go to bed... I have read some people put them in lockup til they start laying ... Is this something I should be doing seems they are close or don't I have too? They are almost 19 weeks.
i finally got my first eggs yaaaay! i gave 2 BA and 2 BSL that are 22 weeks but dont know whose laying yet the eggs are tiny but they definitely laying i gave 4 white leghorns same age shouldnt b long
One of my girls pelvic bone is more then 2 finger width. I have been keeping them locked up til 10am before letting them out, then they free range til they go to bed... I have read some people put them in lockup til they start laying ... Is this something I should be doing seems they are close or don't I have too? They are almost 19 weeks.
I tried that but it didn't speed up the process and if an egg was laid it was on the floor then cracked.

Now they have an auto door and do as they please and I am getting eggs from most of my girls now.

My EE is really odd seems to lay at dinner time each day so don't know if locking up till 10am would make any difference.
I tried that but it didn't speed up the process and if an egg was laid it was on the floor then cracked.

Now they have an auto door and do as they please and I am getting eggs from most of my girls now.

My EE is really odd seems to lay at dinner time each day so don't know if locking up till 10am would make any difference.
Mine rebel if I lock them in. They lay more eggs when they are free to come and go! hahah....they just seem happier to free range and come back to lay their eggs in the nest!
I don't think it will make any difference it is more of safety thing to let them out after 10am as no one is here to watch them. They have free access after that to go in and out as they please.

I just read it that some people lock them up all day when they are close to lay... But it's good to know that is not required .

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