First Egg Countdown

x2. I hope we both get our egg soon.
they better get on the ball soon. hahahha, I am getting ready to go outside and make the coop even more inviting. re-designing the nest "boxes" (tidy cat, cat litter buckets) since they destroyed the original design and cleaning up. The bratty chickens better thank me with MY EGGS!
they better get on the ball soon. hahahha, I am getting ready to go outside and make the coop even more inviting. re-designing the nest "boxes" (tidy cat, cat litter buckets) since they destroyed the original design and cleaning up. The bratty chickens better thank me with MY EGGS! 
U know what I did that my hens liked was those plastic crates they have at Walmart hung them up and put hay in it... So far the ones laying seems to like them I also bought them and used for storage shelves in the barn... They had them on sale for back to school but carry them all year Round as file crates....
accomplished some fun stuff today, disregard my dirty coop, we have plans to go get sand. Now they need to give up the eggs!

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Got our 4th little egg today....this time on the floor of the coop! Looked like she was trying to make it to the nest, but just couldn't quite get there. All have been perfect 3/4 size eggs. I guess they will get bigger as time goes on. Just hope the rest of them get started soon!
I love those nest boxes! Mary looked like she was practicing today. I opens the roof and she was lying down clucking on the ramp that I have to put down to let them out. Of course.
Ho does the water spencer work? and How do you make it... the od and water spencer are cool!
there are little nipple things on the bottom of it that they pick and peck at to get the water out, I bought it at Shopper's for 20 bucks! They sell the nipple things online too and you can install them into a bucket, but I just bought mine. We got the white food bucket at home depot and drilled the holes in it.

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